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dressed in grey

  • 1 dressed in grey

    dressed in grey

    English-Dutch dictionary > dressed in grey

  • 2 ♦ grey

    ♦ grey /greɪ/
    A a.
    1 grigio; bigio; cenerognolo; (fig.) triste, tetro, malinconico: grey eyes, occhi grigi; grey clouds, nuvole grigie; The future looks grey, il futuro si presenta grigio
    2 (fig.) monotono; incolore; scialbo
    3 (fig.) anziano; vecchio; esperto; maturo: (polit.) the grey vote, il voto degli anziani; grey power, il potere nelle mani degli anziani; la gerontocrazia
    B n.
    1 [cu] (color) grigio: Grey is a dull colour, il grigio è un colore noioso; smoky grey, grigio fumo; a woman dressed in grey, una donna vestita di grigio; to wear grey, vestire di grigio
    3 [u] (ind. tess.) filato (o tessuto) non tinto (o al naturale)
    the Greys, il secondo reggimento dei dragoni (in GB); (stor. USA) i confederati, i sudisti □ grey area, zona grigia (in GB: che ha disoccupati, ma non tanti da ricevere speciali sussidi governativi); (fig.) zona oscura ( di un fenomeno, ecc.); zona d'ombra (fig.); situazione poco chiara; terreno inesplorato (fig.) □ (fam.) grey cells, materia grigia; cervello; intelligenza □ (stor.) grey-coat, fantaccino del Cumberland; ( USA) soldato confederato □ (zool.) grey-cock, starna di montagna ( maschio) □ ( USA) grey-collar, di tecnico, di aggiustatore, di operaio qualificato □ (zool.) grey crow ( Corvus cornix), cornacchia grigia □ (zool.) grey-drake, effimera ( la femmina adulta) □ grey economy, economia sommersa □ grey eminence, eminenza grigia □ (zool.) grey goose, ( Anser anser) oca selvatica; ( Branta canadensis) oca canadese □ grey-green, grigioverde □ grey-haired, dai capelli grigi; brizzolato □ grey-headed, dal capo grigio; vecchio; esperto (in qc.) □ (econ.) grey imports, importazioni parallele □ grey market, (econ.) mercato «grigio» (mercato in cui i prodotti vengono scambiati legalmente fuori dai canali ufficiali); ( Borsa) mercato ristretto; mercatino □ (anat. e fig.) grey matter, materia grigia ( del cervello) □ (zool.) grey mullet ( Mugil cephalus), muggine comune; cefalo □ (zool.) grey partridge ( Perdix perdix), starna □ (relig.) a grey sister, una terziaria francescana □ (ecol.) grey water, acque grigie □ (zool.) grey whale ( Eschrichtius Eschrichtidae), balena grigia □ to go grey, diventare grigio; ingrigire □ to look grey, avere la faccia terrea.
    (to) grey /greɪ/
    A v. t.
    B v. i.
    diventare grigio; ingrigire.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ grey

  • 3 grey

    grey, gray (US) [greɪ]
       a. (in colour) gris
       b. [person, face, complexion] blême
       c. ( = bleak) [time, world] morne ; [outlook, prospect] sombre ; ( = boring) [person, image] terne ; [city, town] triste
       d. ( = of old people) the grey vote le vote des plus de 60 ans
    2. noun
    ( = colour) gris m
    [hair] grisonner
    ( = intelligence) matière f grise
    grey squirrel noun écureuil m gris, petit-gris m
    * * *
    GB, gray US [greɪ] noun
    1) ( colour) gris m
    2) ( horse) cheval m gris
    1) ( colour) gris
    2) ( grey-haired) aux cheveux gris, grisonnant

    to go ou turn grey — grisonner

    3) (dull, boring) [existence, day] morne; [person, town] terne

    English-French dictionary > grey

  • 4 grey

    1. adjective
    1) (of a mixture of colour between black and white: Ashes are grey.) gris
    2) (grey-haired: He's turning/going grey.) cano, gris

    2. noun
    1) ((any shade of) a colour between black and white: Grey is rather a dull colour.) gris
    2) (something grey in colour: I never wear grey.) gris

    3. verb
    (to become grey or grey-haired.) encanecer
    grey1 adj
    1. gris
    2. gris / blanco
    to go grey salirle canas / encanecer
    grey2 n gris
    if you mix black and white, you get grey si mezclas blanco y negro, te sale gris

    grey sustantivo femenino flock ' grey' also found in these entries: Spanish: cabello - cana - cano - canosa - canoso - encanecer - gris - parda - pardo - plomiza - plomizo - saco - torda - tordo - tornarse - vestir English: background - charcoal - fleck - gray - grey - grey area - grey matter - grey-haired - hair
    1 (colour) gris; (hair) cano,-a; (sky) nublado,-a, gris
    2 (gloomy) triste, gris
    2 (horse) caballo tordo
    to go grey (hair, person) encanecer, volverse cano,-a 2 (sky) nublarse
    grey area zona gris
    grey matter materia gris
    rucio s.m.
    adjective/noun (BrE) gray I,II
    (US) [ɡreɪ]
    1. ADJ
    (compar greyer) (superl greyest)
    1) (in colour) gris; [face, complexion] ceniciento; [hair, beard] gris, canoso, cano liter; [horse] rucio

    dark greygris oscuro adj inv

    light greygris claro adj inv

    to go grey[hair] volverse gris or canoso

    to turn grey[person, face] palidecer

    2) (=bleak) [place, day] gris
    3) (=boring) [person] gris

    people are fed up with stereotype politicians, the men in grey suits — la gente está cansada de los políticos estereotipados, los personajes incoloros

    4) * [pound, vote] de la tercera edad
    2. N
    1) (=colour) gris m
    2) (=horse) rucio m
    VI [hair] encanecer

    grey area N(=unclear area) área f poco definida, área f gris; (=intermediate area) área f intermedia

    grey matter N — (Anat, hum) materia f gris

    grey seal Nfoca f gris

    grey squirrel Nardilla f gris

    grey vote Nvoto m de la tercera edad

    grey water Naguas fpl grises

    grey wolf Nlobo m gris

    * * *
    adjective/noun (BrE) gray I,II

    English-spanish dictionary > grey

  • 5 grey

    [greɪ] 1. прил.; брит.; амер. gray
    а) пасмурный, сумрачный, мрачный

    grey day — пасмурный, мрачный день

    б) скучный, унылый; бесцветный

    Those were grey years. — Это была однообразная череда лет.

    The identity of these grey men of politics should be revealed. — Необходимо раскрыть, "кто есть кто" среди этих безликих политиков.

    а) седой (о волосах, о человеке с седыми волосами)
    б) бледный, серый, землистого цвета ( о коже)

    His face went grey with shock. — Его лицо побледнело от пережитого шока.

    2. сущ.; брит.; амер. gray
    а) серый материал; серая одежда

    blind old man, dressed in grey — слепой старик, одетый в серое

    в) амер. форма солдат южан ( во время Гражданской войны в Америке)
    г) ( greys) серые брюки

    A couple of boys, wearing sports coats, greys, and white shirts. — Пара ребят в спортивных куртках, серых штанах и белых рубашках.

    The first grey of dawn is the favourite time of attack. — Предрассветная мгла - самое благоприятное время для наступления.

    4) скучная, бесцветная личность

    The whole scene is under the thumbs of the greys. — Все во власти "серости".

    3. гл.; брит.; амер. gray

    Paul was greying a little at the temples. — На висках у Пола проглядывала седина.

    Time may have greyed their hair. — Возможно, время уже посеребрило их волосы.

    greying workforce — стареющие работники, стареющие трудовые ресурсы

    age 2.
    а) сереть, делаться серым

    As we boarded the ferry to go up the river, the clouds began to grey. — Когда мы сели на паром, чтобы подняться вверх по реке, начали сгущаться тучи.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > grey

  • 6 grey

    adj. grijs (veelvoorkomend in Brits schrift); verzilverd (veelvoorkomend in Brits schrift)
    n. grijs (kleur) (veelvoorkomend in Brits schrift)
    v. vergrijzen (veelvoorkomend in Brits schrift); verzilveren (het haar)(veel voorkomend in Brits schrift)
    schimmel paard
    1   dressed in grey in het grijs (gekleed)
    , Amerikaans-Engels spelling gray 〈bijvoeglijk naamwoord; greyness〉
    grijsbewolkt, grauw
    grijs(harig)figuurlijk ervaren, oud
    sombertreurig, triest
    saai kleurloos
    grijsvaag, onduidelijk
    naamloos anoniem personen
    1   grey cells grijze cellen, hersenen
         his face turned grey zijn gezicht werd (as)grauw
    3   the grey past het grijze verleden
    4   grey with age grijs van de ouderdom; figuurlijk verouderd
    6   a grey area een grijze zone
    grey eminence grijze eminentie
         Grey Friar franciscaan
         grey squirrel grijze eekhoorn
    → little little/
    grijs worden/maken (ver)grijzen

    English-Dutch dictionary > grey

  • 7 grey

    1. adjective
    (lit. or fig.) grau

    he or his hair went or turned grey — er wurde grau od. ergraute

    grey area(fig.) Grauzone, die

    2. noun
    Grau, das
    •• Cultural note:
    Ein Bus der Greyhound Lines Company, der größten Busgesellschaft in den Vereinigten Staaten. Greyhound-Busse verkehren zwischen größeren und kleineren Städten in den gesamten Vereinigten Staaten und sind vor allem bei jungen Leuten und Touristen beliebt, die oft lange Strecken mit ihnen zurücklegen
    * * *
    [ɡrei] 1. adjective
    1) (of a mixture of colour between black and white: Ashes are grey.) grau
    2) (grey-haired: He's turning/going grey.) grau
    2. noun
    1) ((any shade of) a colour between black and white: Grey is rather a dull colour.) das Grau
    2) (something grey in colour: I never wear grey.) das Grau
    3. verb
    (to become grey or grey-haired.) ergrauen
    - academic.ru/32452/greyish">greyish
    * * *
    grey, AM gray
    I. n
    1. no pl (colour) Grau nt
    2. (shade of grey) Grauton m
    to paint sth in \greys and blues etw in Grau- und Blautönen streichen
    the [Royal Scots] G\greys pl Schottisches Reiterregiment
    4. (white horse) Grauschimmel m
    II. adj (coloured grey) grau; face [asch]grau, fahl; horse [weiß]grau; person grauhaarig; ( fig) grau, öde, trostlos
    a \grey day ein trüber [o grauer] Tag
    \grey weather trübes Wetter
    to go [or turn] \grey person grau werden, ergrauen, graue Haare bekommen
    * * *
    (US) [greɪ]
    1. adj (+er)
    1) (in colour) grau; (= ashen) person, face grau, fahl; weather, sky, day grau, trüb

    to go or turn grey (person, hair) — grau werden, ergrauen (geh)

    men in grey suits — anonyme, aber mächtige Hintermänner

    2) (= bleak) world, year, days, outlook grau, trostlos, öde
    3) (= anonymous) person grau, gesichtslos; place grau, anonym
    2. n
    (= colour) Graunt
    3. vi
    (person, hair) grau werden, ergrauen (geh)

    he was greying at the templesseine Schläfen wurden grau, seine Schläfen ergrauten

    4. vt (COMPUT)
    button, function ab- or ausgeblenden, deaktivieren

    greyed ( out) — deaktiviert

    * * *
    grey [ɡreı] besonders Br für gray
    gray, besonders Br grey [ɡreı]
    A adj (adv greyly)
    1. grau:
    grow gray in sb’s service in jemandes Dienst ergrauen
    2. trübe, düster, grau (Tag etc):
    gray prospects fig trübe Aussichten
    3. TECH neutral, farblos, naturfarben:
    gray cloth ungebleichter Baumwollstoff
    4. grau(haarig), ergraut:
    become ( oder go) gray ergrauen, graue Haare bekommen
    5. fig alt, erfahren
    6. für ältere Menschen
    B s
    1. Grau n, graue Farbe:
    dressed in gray grau oder in Grau gekleidet
    2. älterer Mensch
    3. ZOOL Grauschimmel m
    4. Naturfarbe f (Stoff):
    in the gray ungebleicht
    C v/t
    1. grau machen
    2. FOTO mattieren
    D v/i grau werden, ergrauen:
    graying angegraut, grau meliert (Haare)
    * * *
    1. adjective
    (lit. or fig.) grau

    he or his hair went or turned grey — er wurde grau od. ergraute

    grey area(fig.) Grauzone, die

    2. noun
    Grau, das
    •• Cultural note:
    Ein Bus der Greyhound Lines Company, der größten Busgesellschaft in den Vereinigten Staaten. Greyhound-Busse verkehren zwischen größeren und kleineren Städten in den gesamten Vereinigten Staaten und sind vor allem bei jungen Leuten und Touristen beliebt, die oft lange Strecken mit ihnen zurücklegen
    * * *
    (UK) adj.
    grau adj.

    English-german dictionary > grey

  • 8 gray

    see grey
    1 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL→ link=grey grey{
    gray ['greɪ] vt
    : hacer gris
    gray vi
    : encanecer, ponerse gris
    gray adj
    1) : gris (dícese del color)
    2) : cano, canoso
    gray hair: pelo canoso
    to go gray: volverse cano
    3) dismal, gloomy: gris, triste
    gray n
    : gris m
    cano, -a adj.
    gris (Color) adj.
    pardo, -a adj.
    gris s.m.
    encanecer v.
    volverse gris v.

    BrE grey greɪ adjective -er, -est
    a) <suit/day> gris; <outlook/future> poco prometedor; < personality> gris
    b) < beard> canoso, cano (liter)

    she has gray hair — es canosa, tiene el pelo canoso

    she went gray overnightle salieron canas or se quedó canosa de la noche a la mañana

    c) < horse> rucio, gris

    BrE grey mass noun gris m
    (US) [ɡreɪ]
    1. ADJ
    (compar greyer) (superl greyest)
    1) (in colour) gris; [face, complexion] ceniciento; [hair, beard] gris, canoso, cano liter; [horse] rucio

    dark greygris oscuro adj inv

    light greygris claro adj inv

    to go grey[hair] volverse gris or canoso

    to turn grey[person, face] palidecer

    2) (=bleak) [place, day] gris
    3) (=boring) [person] gris

    people are fed up with stereotype politicians, the men in grey suits — la gente está cansada de los políticos estereotipados, los personajes incoloros

    4) * [pound, vote] de la tercera edad
    2. N
    1) (=colour) gris m
    2) (=horse) rucio m
    VI [hair] encanecer

    grey area N(=unclear area) área f poco definida, área f gris; (=intermediate area) área f intermedia

    grey matter N — (Anat, hum) materia f gris

    grey seal Nfoca f gris

    grey squirrel Nardilla f gris

    grey vote Nvoto m de la tercera edad

    grey water Naguas fpl grises

    grey wolf Nlobo m gris

    * * *

    BrE grey [greɪ] adjective -er, -est
    a) <suit/day> gris; <outlook/future> poco prometedor; < personality> gris
    b) < beard> canoso, cano (liter)

    she has gray hair — es canosa, tiene el pelo canoso

    she went gray overnightle salieron canas or se quedó canosa de la noche a la mañana

    c) < horse> rucio, gris

    BrE grey mass noun gris m

    English-spanish dictionary > gray

  • 9 gray

    etc. (Amer.) see academic.ru/32448/grey">grey etc
    * * *
    * * *
    grey, AM gray
    I. n
    1. no pl (colour) Grau nt
    2. (shade of grey) Grauton m
    to paint sth in \grays and blues etw in Grau- und Blautönen streichen
    the [Royal Scots] G\grays pl Schottisches Reiterregiment
    4. (white horse) Grauschimmel m
    II. adj (coloured grey) grau; face [asch]grau, fahl; horse [weiß]grau; person grauhaarig; ( fig) grau, öde, trostlos
    a \gray day ein trüber [o grauer] Tag
    \gray weather trübes Wetter
    to go [or turn] \gray person grau werden, ergrauen, graue Haare bekommen
    * * *
    (US) [greɪ]
    1. adj (+er)
    1) (in colour) grau; (= ashen) person, face grau, fahl; weather, sky, day grau, trüb

    to go or turn grey (person, hair) — grau werden, ergrauen (geh)

    their faces were grey with fatiguesie or ihre Gesichter waren ganz blass vor Müdigkeit

    men in grey suits — anonyme, aber mächtige Hintermänner

    2) (= bleak) world, year, days, outlook grau, trostlos, öde
    3) (= anonymous) person grau, gesichtslos; place grau, anonym
    2. n
    (= colour) Graunt
    3. vi
    (person, hair) grau werden, ergrauen (geh)

    he was greying at the templesseine Schläfen wurden grau, seine Schläfen ergrauten

    4. vt (COMPUT)
    button, function ab- or ausgeblenden, deaktivieren

    greyed ( out) — deaktiviert

    * * *
    gray, besonders Br grey [ɡreı]
    A adj (adv greyly)
    1. grau:
    grow gray in sb’s service in jemandes Dienst ergrauen
    2. trübe, düster, grau (Tag etc):
    gray prospects fig trübe Aussichten
    3. TECH neutral, farblos, naturfarben:
    gray cloth ungebleichter Baumwollstoff
    4. grau(haarig), ergraut:
    become ( oder go) gray ergrauen, graue Haare bekommen
    5. fig alt, erfahren
    6. für ältere Menschen
    B s
    1. Grau n, graue Farbe:
    dressed in gray grau oder in Grau gekleidet
    2. älterer Mensch
    3. ZOOL Grauschimmel m
    4. Naturfarbe f (Stoff):
    in the gray ungebleicht
    C v/t
    1. grau machen
    2. FOTO mattieren
    D v/i grau werden, ergrauen:
    graying angegraut, grau meliert (Haare)
    * * *
    etc. (Amer.) see grey etc
    * * *
    (US) adj.
    grau adj.

    English-german dictionary > gray

  • 10 vestido

    Del verbo vestir: ( conjugate vestir) \ \
    vestido es: \ \
    el participio
    Multiple Entries: vestido     vestir
    vestido 1
    ◊ -da adjetivo
    dressed; bien vestido well/badly dressed; ¿cómo iba vestido? what was he wearing?; iba vestida de azul she was wearing blue; vestido de uniforme in uniform; ¿de qué vas a ir vestido? what are you going to go as?
    vestido 2 sustantivo masculino vestido de noche evening dress; vestido de novia wedding dress o gown
    b) (Col) ( de hombre) suit

    vestir ( conjugate vestir) verbo transitivo 1
    a)niño/muñeca to dress
    2 (liter o period) ( llevar puesto) to wear verbo intransitivo 1 [ persona] to dress; vestido de algo ‹de uniforme/azul›) to wear sth; vestido de etiqueta to wear formal dress 2 ( ser elegante): de vestido ‹traje/zapatos smart vestirse verbo pronominal ( refl)
    date prisa, vístete hurry up, get dressed
    se viste a la última moda she wears the latest styles; siempre se viste de verde she always wears green
    c) ( disfrazarse) vestidose de algo to dress up as sth

    I adjetivo dressed
    bien vestido, well dressed
    vestido de calle, in casual clothes
    vestido de paisano, in plain clothes
    II sustantivo masculino
    1 (prenda femenina) dress
    2 (vestimenta) clothes pl
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (poner la ropa a alguien) to dress frml to clothe
    2 (llevar puesto) to wear: vestía un traje gris, he was wearing a grey suit
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (llevar) to dress
    viste de rojo, she's wearing red
    vestir bien, to dress well (ser apropiado, elegante) to look smart ' vestido' also found in these entries: Spanish: ancha - ancho - atrevida - atrevido - bajar - bien - botija - cancán - capricho - cola - derramar - desabrocharse - descocada - descocado - diaria - diario - encapricharse - favorecer - fleco - floripondio - frunce - hacer - hechura - hilaridad - holgura - insinuante - jirón - llamativa - llamativo - manga - marcar - marinera - marinero - marras - moda - noche - oliva - peinada - peinado - piltrafa - pisar - propia - propio - remangar - remangarse - resaltar - rica - rico - sencilla - sencillo English: alter - bodice - clad - crumple - dead - do up - dowdy - drag - dress - elegantly - evening gown - fasten - flair - flattering - flowing - fringe - frock - frumpy - full-length - gown - gymslip - half-dressed - hue - in - lengthen - livid - loose - low - low-necked - much - must - number - plain - probably - red - run up - scruffily - shabbily - shoulder strap - smock - smooth - stain - strap - strapless - stunning - the - train - try on - unhook - wedding dress

    English-spanish dictionary > vestido

  • 11 white

    1. adjective
    1) (of the colour of the paper on which these words are printed: The bride wore a white dress.) blanco
    2) (having light-coloured skin, through being of European etc descent: the first white man to explore Africa.) blanco
    3) (abnormally pale, because of fear, illness etc: He went white with shock.) blanco
    4) (with milk in it: A white coffee, please.) con leche

    2. noun
    1) (the colour of the paper on which these words are printed: White and black are opposites.) blanco
    2) (a white-skinned person: racial trouble between blacks and whites.) blanco
    3) ((also egg-white) the clear fluid in an egg, surrounding the yolk: This recipe tells you to separate the yolks from the whites.) clara (de huevo)
    4) ((of an eye) the white part surrounding the pupil and iris: The whites of her eyes are bloodshot.) blanco de los ojos
    - whiteness
    - whitening
    - whitish
    - white-collar
    - white elephant
    - white horse
    - white-hot
    - white lie
    - whitewash

    3. verb
    (to cover with whitewash.) encalar
    - white wine
    white1 adj blanco
    in my town, taxis are white en mi ciudad, los taxis son blancos
    white2 n
    1. blanco
    if you mix white and black, you get grey si mezclas el blanco y el negro, te sale gris
    2. clara
    1 blanco,-a
    white hair pelo blanco, pelo cano
    2 (pale) pálido,-a
    1 blanco, color nombre masculino blanco
    2 (person) blanco,-a
    3 (of egg) clara
    4 (of eye) blanco
    1 (linen) ropa f sing blanca; (for tennis) ropa f sing de jugar al tenis
    as white as a sheet blanco,-a como el papel
    as white as snow más blanco,-a que la nieve
    to go/turn white (person's face) palidecer, ponerse pálido,-a 2 (hair) ponerse cano, encanecer 3 (person) quedarse canoso,-a
    to have a white wedding casarse de blanco
    white (blood) cell glóbulo blanco
    white corpuscle glóbulo blanco
    white flag bandera blanca
    white heat incandescencia
    white hope gran esperanza, gran promesa
    White House Casa Blanca
    white lead albayalde nombre masculino, plomo blanco
    white lie mentira piadosa
    white noise ruido blanco
    White Paper libro blanco
    white pepper pimienta blanca
    white sauce (salsa) bechamel nombre femenino
    white stick bastón nombre masculino blanco de los ciegos
    white sugar azúcar nombre femenino blanquilla
    white tie (bow tie) pajarita blanca
    white trash basura blanca, gentuza blanca
    white whale beluga
    white wine vino blanco
    white ['hwaɪt] adj, whiter ; - est : blanco
    1) : blanco m (color)
    2) : clara f (de huevos)
    3) or white person : blanco m, -ca f
    albar adj.
    albillo, -a adj.
    blanco, -a adj.
    clara del huevo adj.
    pálido, -a adj.
    blanco s.m.

    I hwaɪt, waɪt
    adjective -er, -est
    a) <paint/cat/bread/wine/chocolate> blanco; < grapes> blanco; <coffee/tea> con leche

    he went white (with fear/anger) — se puso blanco or pálido (de miedo/rabia)

    b) ( Caucasian) blanco

    1) u ( color) blanco m
    2) c also White ( person) blanco, -ca m,f
    3) c
    a) ( of egg) clara f
    b) ( of eye) blanco m
    4) whites pl
    a) ( laundry) ropa f blanca
    b) (esp BrE Sport)

    he was in tennis/cricket whites — llevaba el equipo blanco de tenis/cricket

    Cultural note:
    Una calle del centro de Londres donde están situadas una gran parte de las oficinas del gobierno. Los periodistas utilizan a menudo el término para referirse al gobierno y la administración
    1. ADJ
    (compar whiter) (superl whitest)
    1) (gen) blanco; [wine, grape, chocolate] blanco; [coffee] (=milky) con leche; (=with dash of milk) cortado

    to go or turn white — (in face) ponerse blanco or pálido, palidecer

    "Bleacho" washes whiter than white — "Bleacho" deja la colada blanca como la nieve

    he went white at the age of 30 — el pelo se le puso blanco a los 30 años, encaneció a los 30 años

    - show the white feather
    - be as white as a sheet or ghost
    bleed 2., 3)
    2) (racially) [person] blanco; [area] de raza blanca; [vote] de los blancos
    2. N
    1) (=colour) blanco m
    black 1., 1)
    2) (=white person) blanco(-a) m / f
    3) (also: white wine) blanco m
    4) [of egg] clara f
    5) [of eye] blanco m
    6) whites

    cricket/tennis whites — equipo m blanco de cricket/tennis


    white blood cell Nglóbulo m blanco

    white bread Npan m blanco

    white chocolate Nchocolate m blanco

    white Christmas NNavidades fpl blancas or con nieve

    white coffee N (milky) café m con leche; (with dash of milk) café m cortado

    white dwarf N — (Astron) enana f blanca

    white elephant N — (fig) elefante m blanco

    white elephant stalltenderete donde se venden cachivaches

    white ensign N(Brit) enseña f blanca

    white flag N — (Mil) bandera f blanca

    white fox N= arctic fox

    white gold Noro m blanco

    white grape Nuva f blanca

    white heat N — (Phys) calor m blanco

    white hope N

    white horses NPL (on waves) cabrillas fpl

    the White House N (in US) la Casa Blanca

    white knight N — (Econ) caballero m blanco

    white lead N — (Chem) albayalde m

    white lie Nmentira f piadosa

    white light N — (Phys) luz f blanca

    white line N (on road) línea f blanca

    white list N(=list of "safe" websites, email addresses) lista f blanca; (Brit) (=list of "safe" countries) lista f blanca, lista f de países seguros

    white magic Nmagia f blanca

    white meat N — (Culin) carne f blanca

    white meter heating — calefacción f por acumulador

    White Nile N= Nile

    white noise N — (Acoustics) ruido m blanco or uniforme

    white owl Nbúho m blanco

    White Pages NPL(US) (Telec) Páginas fpl Blancas

    White Paper N(Brit, Australia, Canada) (Parl) libro m blanco

    white pepper Npimienta f blanca

    White Russia N — (Hist) la Rusia Blanca

    White Russian N — (Hist) ruso(-a) m / f blanco(-a)

    white sale N — (Comm) rebajas fpl de ropa blanca

    white sapphire Nzafiro m blanco

    white sauce Nsalsa f bechamel, besamel f

    white shark Ntiburón m blanco

    white slave trade Ntrata f de blancas

    white spirit N(Brit) trementina f

    white tie N(=tie) pajarita f blanca; (=outfit) traje m de etiqueta con pajarita blanca


    white trash *** N(US) pej término ofensivo contra la clase blanca pobre estadounidense

    white water Naguas fpl rápidas

    white water raftingpiragüismo m en aguas rápidas, rafting m

    white whale Nballena f blanca

    white wine Nvino m blanco

    white wood Nmadera f blanca

    * * *

    I [hwaɪt, waɪt]
    adjective -er, -est
    a) <paint/cat/bread/wine/chocolate> blanco; < grapes> blanco; <coffee/tea> con leche

    he went white (with fear/anger) — se puso blanco or pálido (de miedo/rabia)

    b) ( Caucasian) blanco

    1) u ( color) blanco m
    2) c also White ( person) blanco, -ca m,f
    3) c
    a) ( of egg) clara f
    b) ( of eye) blanco m
    4) whites pl
    a) ( laundry) ropa f blanca
    b) (esp BrE Sport)

    he was in tennis/cricket whites — llevaba el equipo blanco de tenis/cricket

    Cultural note:
    Una calle del centro de Londres donde están situadas una gran parte de las oficinas del gobierno. Los periodistas utilizan a menudo el término para referirse al gobierno y la administración

    English-spanish dictionary > white

  • 12 vestir

    vestir ( conjugate vestir) verbo transitivo 1
    a)niño/muñeca to dress
    2 (liter o period) ( llevar puesto) to wear verbo intransitivo 1 [ persona] to dress; vestir de algo ‹de uniforme/azul›) to wear sth; vestir de etiqueta to wear formal dress 2 ( ser elegante): de vestir ‹traje/zapatos smart vestirse verbo pronominal ( refl)
    date prisa, vístete hurry up, get dressed
    se viste a la última moda she wears the latest styles; siempre se viste de verde she always wears green
    c) ( disfrazarse) vestirse de algo to dress up as sth

    I verbo transitivo
    1 (poner la ropa a alguien) to dress frml to clothe
    2 (llevar puesto) to wear: vestía un traje gris, he was wearing a grey suit
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (llevar) to dress
    viste de rojo, she's wearing red
    vestir bien, to dress well (ser apropiado, elegante) to look smart ' vestir' also found in these entries: Spanish: anacrónica - anacrónico - buzo - desmontable - estrafalaria - estrafalario - falda - ir - gala - imitar - llevar - poner - prenda - puesta - puesto - revés - santa - santo - sucia - sucio - Tiro - accesorio - corrección - cuello - descuidado - el - elegancia - escándalo - estilo - mal - paisano - sencillez - viste - visto English: article - clothe - clothing - dress - dress code - dressy - half-dressed - item - neatly - rob - shelf - simply - wear

    English-spanish dictionary > vestir

  • 13 in

    1. preposition
    1) (position; also fig.) in (+ Dat.)

    in the fieldsauf den Feldern

    shot/wounded in the leg — ins Bein geschossen/am Bein verwundet

    2) (wearing as dress) in (+ Dat.); (wearing as headgear) mit

    in brown shoesmit braunen Schuhen

    a change in attitude — eine Änderung der Einstellung; see also academic.ru/34615/herself">herself 1); itself 1)

    4) (as a proportionate part of)

    eight dogs in ten — acht von zehn Hunden; see also gradient

    5) (as a member of) in (+ Dat.)

    be in the Scoutsbei den Pfadfindern sein

    be employed in the Civil Serviceals Beamter/Beamtin beschäftigt sein

    6) (as content of)

    what is there in this deal for me?was springt für mich bei dem Geschäft heraus? (ugs.)

    there is nothing/not much or little in it — (difference) da ist kein/kein großer Unterschied [zwischen ihnen]

    there is something in what you sayan dem, was Sie sagen, ist etwas dran (ugs.)

    7) (expr. identity) in (+ Dat.)

    have a faithful friend in somebodyan jemandem einen treuen Freund haben

    8) (concerned with) in (+ Dat.)

    he's in politicser ist Politiker


    be [not] in it — (as competitor) [nicht] dabei od. im Rennen sein

    10) (with the means of; having as material or colour)

    in this way — auf diese Weise; so

    this sofa is also available in leather/blue — dieses Sofa gibt es auch in Leder/Blau

    draw in crayon/ink — etc. mit Kreide/Tinte usw. zeichnen; see also English 2. 1)

    11) (while, during)

    in fog/rain — etc. bei Nebel/Regen usw.

    in the eighties/nineties — in den Achtzigern/Neunzigern

    4 o'clock in the morning/afternoon — 4 Uhr morgens/abends

    in 1990 — [im Jahre] 1990

    12) (after a period of) in (+ Dat.)

    in three minutes/years — in drei Minuten/Jahren

    13) (within the ability of)

    have it in one [to do something] — fähig sein [, etwas zu tun]


    in that — insofern als; see also far 1. 4)


    in doing this(by so doing) indem jemand das tut/tat; dadurch

    2. adverb
    1) (inside) hinein[gehen usw.]; (towards speaker) herein[kommen usw.]

    ‘In’ — "Einfahrt"/"Eingang"

    2) (at home, work, etc.)

    be inda sein

    he's been in and out all dayer war den ganzen Tag über mal da und mal nicht da

    3) (included) darin; drin (ugs.)

    cost £50 all in — 50 Pfund kosten, alles inbegriffen

    4) (inward) innen
    5) (in fashion) in (ugs.); in Mode
    6) (elected)

    be in[Zug, Schiff, Ware, Bewerbung:] da sein; [Ernte:] eingebracht sein


    somebody is in for something(about to undergo something) jemandem steht etwas bevor; (taking part in something) jemand nimmt an etwas (Dat.) teil

    we're in for it now!(coll.) jetzt blüht uns was! (ugs.)

    9) (coll.): (as participant, accomplice, observer, etc.)

    be in on the secret/discussion — in das Geheimnis eingeweiht sein/bei der Diskussion dabei sein

    be [well] in with somebody — mit jemandem [gut] auskommen

    3. attributive adjective
    (fashionable) Mode-

    the in crowddie Clique, die gerade in ist (ugs.)

    in joke — Insiderwitz, der

    4. noun
    * * *
    (in(to) usually small pieces: The broken mirror lay in bits on the floor; He loves taking his car to bits.) in Stücke
    * * *
    1. (position) in + dat
    the butter is \in the fridge die Butter ist im Kühlschrank
    I live \in New York/Germany ich lebe in New York/Deutschland
    he read it \in the paper er hat es in der Zeitung gelesen
    soak it \in warm water lassen Sie es in warmem Wasser einweichen
    I've got a pain \in my back ich habe Schmerzen im Rücken
    who's the woman \in that painting? wer ist die Frau auf diesem Bild?
    he is deaf \in his left ear er hört auf dem linken Ohr nichts
    down below \in the valley unten im Tal
    \in a savings account auf einem Sparkonto
    to lie in bed/the sun im Bett/in der Sonne liegen
    to ride \in a car [im] Auto fahren
    to be \in hospital im Krankenhaus sein
    \in the middle of sth in der Mitte von etw dat
    to be \in prison im Gefängnis sein
    to be \in a prison in einem Gefängnis sein (als Besucher)
    \in the street auf der Straße
    2. after vb (into) in + dat
    I just put too much milk \in my coffee ich habe zu viel Milch in meinen Kaffee getan
    he went \in the rain er ging hinaus in den Regen
    slice the potatoes \in two schneiden Sie die Kartoffel einmal durch
    to get \in the car ins Auto steigen
    to invest \in the future in die Zukunft investieren
    to invest one's savings \in stocks seine Ersparnisse in Aktien anlegen
    to get \in trouble Schwierigkeiten bekommen, in Schwierigkeiten geraten
    3. AM (at) auf + dat
    is Erika still \in school? ist Erika noch auf der Schule?
    Boris is \in college Boris ist auf dem College
    he was a singer \in a band er war Sänger in einer Band
    there are 31 days in March der März hat 31 Tage
    get together \in groups of four! bildet Vierergruppen!
    you're with us \in our thoughts wir denken an dich, in Gedanken sind wir bei dir
    5. (state, condition) in + dat
    he cried out \in pain er schrie vor Schmerzen
    he always drinks \in excess er trinkt immer zu viel
    \in anger im Zorn
    dark \in colour dunkelfarbig
    difference \in quality Qualitätsunterschied m
    to be \in [no] doubt [nicht] zweifeln [o im Zweifel sein]
    \in his excitement in seiner Begeisterung
    \in horror voller Entsetzen
    \in all honesty in aller Aufrichtigkeit
    to be \in a hurry es eilig haben
    to be \in love [with sb] [in jdn] verliebt sein
    to fall \in love [with sb] sich akk [in jdn] verlieben
    to live \in luxury im Luxus leben
    to be \in in a good mood guter Laune sein
    \in private vertraulich
    to put sth \in order etw in Ordnung bringen
    \in a state of panic in Panik
    \in secret im Geheimen, heimlich
    to tell sb sth \in all seriousness jdm etw in vollem Ernst sagen
    6. (with) mit + dat
    , in + dat
    it was covered \in dirt es war mit Schmutz überzogen
    to pay \in cash [in] bar bezahlen
    to pay \in dollars mit [o in] Dollar zahlen
    to write \in ink/pencil mit Tinte/Bleistift schreiben
    to paint \in oils in Öl malen
    \in writing schriftlich
    Mozart's Piano Concerto \in E flat Mozarts Klavierkonzert in E-Moll
    \in English/French/German auf Englisch/Französisch/Deutsch
    to listen to music \in stereo Musik stereo hören
    to speak to sb \in a normal tone of voice sich akk mit jdm normal unterhalten
    to speak \in a loud/small voice mit lauter/leiser Stimme sprechen
    to talk \in a whisper sehr leise reden, mit Flüsterstimme sprechen
    8. (time: during) am + dat
    , in + dat
    he's getting forgetful \in his old age er wird vergesslich auf seine alten Tage
    she assisted the doctor \in the operation sie assistierte dem Arzt bei der Operation
    \in 1968 [im Jahre] 1968
    \in the end am Ende, schließlich
    to be with the Lord \in eternity bei Gott im Himmel sein
    to be \in one's forties in den Vierzigern sein
    \in March/May im März/Mai
    \in the morning/afternoon/evening morgens [o am Morgen] /nachmittags [o am Nachmittag] /abends [o am Abend]
    \in the late 60s in den späten Sechzigern
    \in spring/summer/autumn/winter im Frühling/Sommer/Herbst/Winter
    9. (time: within) in + dat
    dinner will be ready \in ten minutes das Essen ist in zehn Minuten fertig
    I'll be ready \in a week's time in einer Woche werde ich fertig sein
    he learnt to drive \in two weeks in [o innerhalb von] zwei Wochen konnte er Auto fahren
    to return \in a few minutes/hours/days in einigen Minuten/Stunden/Tagen zurückkommen
    \in record time in Rekordzeit
    10. (time: for) seit + dat
    she hasn't heard from him \in six months sie hat seit sechs Monaten nichts mehr von ihm gehört
    I haven't done that \in a long time ich habe das lange Zeit nicht mehr gemacht
    I haven't seen her \in years ich habe sie seit Jahren nicht gesehen
    11. (at a distance of) nach + dat
    the house should be coming up \in about one mile das Haus müsste nach einer Meile auftauchen
    he's \in computers er hat mit Computern zu tun
    she's \in business/politics sie ist Geschäftsfrau/Politikerin
    she works \in publishing sie arbeitet bei einem Verlag
    to enlist \in the army sich akk als Soldat verpflichten
    13. (wearing) in + dat
    he was all \in black er war ganz in Schwarz
    you look nice \in green Grün steht dir
    the woman \in the hat die Frau mit dem Hut
    the man [dressed] \in the grey suit der Mann in dem grauen Anzug
    to be \in disguise verkleidet sein
    \in the nude nackt
    to sunbathe \in the nude nackt sonnenbaden
    to be \in uniform Uniform tragen
    14. (result) als
    \in conclusion schließlich, zum Schluss
    \in exchange als Ersatz, dafür
    \in fact tatsächlich, in Wirklichkeit
    \in reply [or answer] [or response] to als Reaktion [o Antwort] auf + akk
    \in that... ( form) insofern als
    I was fortunate \in that I had friends ich hatte Glück, weil ich Freunde hatte
    15. + -ing (while doing)
    \in attempting to save the child, he nearly lost his own life bei dem Versuch, das Kind zu retten, kam er beinahe selbst um
    \in refusing to work abroad, she missed a good job weil sie sich weigerte, im Ausland zu arbeiten, entging ihr ein guter Job
    \in saying this, I will offend him wenn ich das sage, würde ich ihn beleidigen
    \in doing so dabei, damit
    temperatures tomorrow will be \in the mid-twenties die Temperaturen werden sich morgen um 25 Grad bewegen
    he's about six foot \in height er ist ungefähr zwei Meter groß
    a novel \in 3 parts ein Roman in 3 Teilen
    people died \in their thousands die Menschen starben zu Tausenden
    to be equal \in weight gleich viel wiegen
    \in total insgesamt
    the potatoes are twenty pence \in the pound die Kartoffeln kosten zwanzig Pence pro Pfund
    she has a one \in three chance ihre Chancen stehen eins zu drei
    one \in ten people jeder zehnte
    18. after vb (concerning)
    to interfere \in sb's business sich akk in jds Angelegenheiten einmischen
    to share \in sb's success an jds Erfolg teilnehmen
    to be interested \in in sth sich akk für etw akk interessieren
    she underwent a change \in style sie hat ihren Stil geändert
    she had no say \in the decision sie hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Entscheidung
    to have confidence \in sb jdm vertrauen, Vertrauen zu jdm haben
    20. (in a person)
    \in sb mit jdm
    we're losing a very good sales agent \in Kim mit Kim verlieren wir eine sehr gute Verkaufsassistentin
    it isn't \in sb to do sth jd ist nicht zu etw dat in der Lage
    it's not \in me to lie ich kann nicht lügen
    to not have it \in oneself to do sth nicht in der Lage sein, etw zu tun
    21. (author) bei + dat
    these themes can often be found \in Schiller diese Themen kommen bei Schiller oft vor
    \in all insgesamt
    there were 10 of us \in all wir waren zu zehnt
    all \in all alles in allem
    all \in all it's been a good year insgesamt gesehen, war es ein gutes Jahr
    \in between dazwischen
    there's nothing [or not much] [or very little] \in it da ist kein großer Unterschied
    to be \in and out of sth:
    she's been \in and out of hospitals ever since the accident sie war seit dem Unfall immer wieder im Krankenhaus
    1. inv (into sth) herein
    come \in! herein!
    \in with you! rein mit dir!
    he opened the door and went \in er öffnete die Tür und ging hinein
    she was locked \in sie war eingesperrt
    could you bring the clothes \in? könntest du die Wäsche hereinholen?
    she didn't ask me \in sie hat mich nicht hereingebeten
    the sea was freezing, but \in she went das Meer war eiskalt, doch sie kannte nichts und ging hinein
    to bring the harvest \in die Ernte einbringen
    2. inv (at arrival point) train, bus
    the train got \in very late der Zug ist sehr spät eingetroffen
    the bus is due \in any moment now der Bus müsste jetzt jeden Moment kommen
    3. inv (towards land)
    is the tide coming \in or going out? kommt oder geht die Flut?
    we watched the ship come \in wir sahen zu, wie das Schiff einlief
    4. inv (submitted)
    to get [or hand] sth \in etw abgeben [o einreichen
    5. inv (elected)
    to get \in candidate gewählt werden; party also an die Regierung kommen
    day \in, day out tagein, tagaus
    to get \in with sb sich akk bei jdm lieb Kind machen fam
    to get \in on sth über etw akk Bescheid wissen
    to let sb \in on sth jdn in etw akk einweihen
    1. pred, inv (there) da; (at home) zu Hause
    is David \in? ist David da?
    I'm afraid Mr Jenkins is not \in at the moment Herr Jenkins ist leider gerade nicht im Hause form
    to have a quiet evening \in einen ruhigen Abend zu Hause verbringen
    2. inv (leading in) einwärts
    door \in Eingangstür f
    \in-tray AUS, BRIT
    \in-box AM Behälter m für eingehende Post
    3. inv (in fashion) in
    to be \in in [o angesagt] sein
    to be the \in place to dance/dine ein angesagtes Tanzlokal/Restaurant sein
    4. pred, inv (submitted)
    when does your essay have to be \in? wann musst du deinen Essay abgeben?
    the application must be \in by May 31 die Bewerbung muss bis zum 31. Mai eingegangen sein
    5. pred, inv (elected)
    to be \in candidate gewählt sein; party also an der Regierung sein
    6. pred, inv SPORT (within bounds)
    the ball was definitely \in! der Ball war keineswegs im Aus!
    7. pred, inv SPORT
    to be \in player am Ball sein; (in cricket) team am Schlag sein
    8. pred, inv (in season) reif
    pumpkins are \in! Kürbisse jetzt frisch!
    to be \in at sth bei etw dat dabei sein
    to be \in for sth sich akk auf etw akk gefasst machen müssen
    you'll be \in for it if... du kannst dich auf was gefasst machen, wenn...
    to be \in on sth über etw akk Bescheid wissen
    to be [well] \in with sb bei jdm gut angeschrieben sein
    she just says those things to get \in with the teacher sie sagt so was doch nur, um sich beim Lehrer lieb Kind zu machen
    IV. NOUN
    1. (connection) Kontakt[e] m[pl]
    he wants to get involved with that group but doesn't have an \in er würde gern mit dieser Gruppe in Kontakt kommen, aber bis jetzt fehlt ihm die Eintrittskarte
    the \ins die Regierungspartei
    to know the \ins and outs of sth sich akk in einer S. dat genau auskennen
    to understand the \ins and outs of sth etw hundertprozentig verstehen
    * * *
    When in is the second element of a phrasal verb, eg ask in, fill in, hand in, look up the verb. When it is part of a set combination, eg in danger, in the end, weak in, wrapped in, look up the other word.
    1) position in (+dat); (with motion) in (+acc)

    it was in the lorry/bag/car — es war auf dem Lastwagen/in der Tasche/im Auto

    he put it in the lorry/car/bag — er legte es auf den Lastwagen/ins Auto/steckte es in die Tasche

    in here/there — hierin/darin, hier/da drin (inf); (with motion) hier/da hinein or rein (inf)

    in the street — auf der/die Straße

    to stay in the houseim Haus or (at home) zu Hause or zuhause (Aus, Sw) bleiben

    in bed/prison — im Bett/Gefängnis

    in Germany/Switzerland/the United States — in Deutschland/der Schweiz/den Vereinigten Staaten after the superlative, in is sometimes untranslated and the genitive case used instead.

    the best in the class — der Beste der Klasse, der Klassenbeste

    2) people bei

    you can find examples of this in Dickens —

    he doesn't have it in him to... — er bringt es nicht fertig,... zu...

    3) dates, seasons, time of day in (+dat)

    in the morning(s) — morgens, am Morgen, am Vormittag

    in the afternoon — nachmittags, am Nachmittag

    in the daytime — tagsüber, während des Tages

    in the evening — abends, am Abend

    in those days — damals, zu jener Zeit

    4) time of life in (+dat)

    in childhood — in der Kindheit, im Kindesalter

    5) interval of time in (+dat)

    in a week( 's time) — in einer Woche

    in a moment or minute — sofort, gleich

    6) numbers, quantities zu

    to count in fives —

    in large/small quantities — in großen/kleinen Mengen

    in some measure — in gewisser Weise, zu einem gewissen Grad

    in part — teilweise, zum Teil


    ratios he has a one in 500 chance of winning — er hat eine Gewinnchance von eins zu 500

    one ( man) in ten — einer von zehn, jeder Zehnte

    one book/child in ten — jedes zehnte Buch/Kind, ein Buch/Kind von zehn


    manner, state, condition to speak in a loud/soft voice — mit lauter/leiser Stimme sprechen, laut/leise sprechen

    to speak in a whisper — flüstern, flüsternd sprechen

    to speak in German —

    to stand in a row/in groups — in einer Reihe/in Gruppen stehen

    to live in luxury/poverty — im Luxus/in Armut leben

    9) clothes in (+dat)

    in his shirt sleeves — in Hemdsärmeln, hemdsärmelig

    she was dressed in silk —


    substance, material upholstered in silk — mit Seide bezogen

    to write in ink/pencil — mit Tinte/Bleistift schreiben

    in marble — in Marmor, marmorn

    a sculptor who works in marble — ein Bildhauer, der mit Marmor arbeitet


    in respect of blind in the left eye — auf dem linken Auge blind, links blind

    a rise in pricesein Preisanstieg m, ein Anstieg m der Preise


    occupation, activity he is in the army — er ist beim Militär

    he is in banking/the motor business — er ist im Bankwesen/in der Autobranche (tätig)


    set structures __diams; in + -ing in saying this, I... — wenn ich das sage,... ich

    in trying to escape — beim Versuch zu fliehen, beim Fluchtversuch

    in trying to save him she fell into the water herself — beim Versuch or als sie versuchte, ihn zu retten, fiel sie selbst ins Wasser

    but in saying this —

    he made a mistake in saying that — es war ein Fehler von ihm, das zu sagen

    the plan was unrealistic in that it didn't take account of the fact that... — der Plan war unrealistisch, da or weil er nicht berücksichtigte, dass...

    2. ADVERB
    When in is the second element in a phrasal verb, eg come in, live in, sleep in, look up the verb.da; (at home also) zu Hause, zuhause (Aus, Sw)

    there is nobody in — es ist niemand da/zu Hause to be in may require a more specific translation.

    he's in for a surprise/disappointment — ihm steht eine Überraschung/Enttäuschung bevor, er kann sich auf eine Überraschung/Enttäuschung gefasst machen

    we are in for rain/a cold spell — uns (dat) steht Regen/eine Kältewelle bevor

    he's in for it!der kann sich auf was gefasst machen (inf), der kann sich freuen (iro) __diams; to have it in for sb (inf) es auf jdn abgesehen haben (inf) __diams; to be in on sth an einer Sache beteiligt sein; on secret etc über etw (acc) Bescheid wissen

    he likes to be in on thingser mischt gern (überall) mit (inf) __diams; to be (well) in with sb sich gut mit jdm verstehen

    (inf) in inv (inf)

    the in thing — das, was zurzeit in ist (inf) or Mode ist

    the in thing is to... — es ist zurzeit in (inf) or Mode, zu...

    4. the insPLURAL NOUN
    1) = details __diams; the ins and outs die Einzelheiten pl

    to know the ins and outs of sth —

    * * *
    in [ın]
    A präp
    1. (räumlich, auf die Frage: wo?) in (dat), innerhalb (gen), an (dat), auf (dat):
    in England (London) in England (London); blind A 1 a, country A 5, field A 1, room A 2, sky A 1, street A 1, etc
    2. fig in (dat), bei, auf (dat), an (dat): army 3, politics 3, share1 A 4 b, stock A 19, etc
    4. (auf die Frage: wohin?) in (akk):
    put it in your pocket steck es in die Tasche
    5. (Zustand, Beschaffenheit, Art und Weise) in (dat), auf (akk), mit:
    in G major MUS in G-Dur; arm2 Bes Redew, brief B 1, case1 A 2, cash1 A 2, doubt C 1, C 3, dozen, English B 2, group A 1, manner 1, ruin A 2, short C 2, tear1 1, word Bes Redew, writing A 4, etc
    6. (Beteiligung) in (dat), an (dat), bei:
    be in it beteiligt sein, teilnehmen;
    he isn’t in it er gehört nicht dazu;
    a) es lohnt sich nicht,
    b) nothing Bes Redew
    7. (Tätigkeit, Beschäftigung) in (dat), bei, mit, auf (dat):
    in crossing the river beim Überqueren des Flusses; accident 3, search C 1
    8. (im Besitz, in der Macht) in (dat), bei, an (dat):
    it is not in her to do sth es liegt nicht in ihrer Art, etwas zu tun; have Bes Redew, etc
    9. (zeitlich) in (dat), an (dat), bei, binnen, unter (dat), während, zu:
    a) in oder binnen zwei Stunden,
    b) während zweier Stunden;
    in 1985 1985; beginning 1, daytime, evening A 1, flight2, October, reign A 1, time Bes Redew, winter A 1, year 1, etc
    10. (Richtung) in (akk, dat), auf (akk), zu: confidence 1, trust B 1, etc
    11. (Zweck) in (dat), zu, als: answer A 1, defence 5, etc
    12. (Grund) in (dat), aus, wegen, zu: honor B 2, sport A 4, etc
    13. (Hinsicht, Beziehung) in (dat), an (dat), in Bezug auf (akk):
    the latest thing in das Neueste in oder an oder auf dem Gebiet (gen); equal A 10, far Bes Redew, itself 3, number A 2, that3 4, width 1, etc
    14. nach, gemäß: opinion 1, probability 1, etc
    15. (Mittel, Material, Stoff) in (dat), aus, mit, durch:
    in black boots in oder mit schwarzen Stiefeln;
    a statue in bronze eine Bronzestatue; oil A 2, pencil A 1, white B 1, etc
    16. (Zahl, Betrag) in (dat), aus, von, zu:
    seven in all insgesamt oder im Ganzen sieben;
    there are 60 minutes in an hour eine Stunde hat 60 Minuten;
    one in ten Americans einer von zehn Amerikanern, jeder zehnte Amerikaner;
    five in the hundred 5 vom Hundert, 5 Prozent; all Bes Redew, one A 1, etc
    B adv
    1. innen, drinnen:
    in among mitten unter (akk od dat);
    know in and out jemanden, etwas ganz genau kennen, in- und auswendig kennen;
    be in for sth etwas zu erwarten haben;
    now you are in for it umg jetzt bist du dran:
    a) jetzt kannst du nicht mehr zurück
    b) jetzt bist oder sitzt oder steckst du in der Patsche, jetzt gehts dir an den Kragen umg;
    he is in for a shock er wird einen gewaltigen Schreck oder einen Schock bekommen;
    I am in for an examination mir steht eine Prüfung bevor;
    a) eingeweiht sein in (akk),
    b) beteiligt sein an (dat);
    be in with sb mit jemandem gutstehen;
    the harvest is in die Ernte ist eingebracht; keep in B 3, penny 1, etc
    2. herein: come in 1, show in, etc
    3. hinein:
    the way in der Eingang, der Weg nach innen; walk in, etc
    4. da, (an)gekommen:
    5. zu Hause, im Zimmer etc:
    Mrs Brown is not in Mrs. Brown ist nicht da oder zu Hause;
    he has been in and out all day er kommt und geht schon den ganzen Tag
    6. POL an der Macht, an der Regierung, am Ruder umg:
    7. in umg, in Mode: come in 3
    8. SCHIFF
    a) im Hafen
    b) beschlagen, festgemacht (Segel)
    c) zum Hafen:
    on the way in beim Einlaufen (in den Hafen)
    9. dazu, zusätzlich, als Zugabe: throw in 3
    C adj
    1. im Innern oder im Hause befindlich, Innen…
    2. POL an der Macht befindlich:
    in party Regierungspartei f
    3. nach Hause kommend:
    the in train der ankommende Zug
    4. an in restaurant ein Restaurant, das gerade in ist;
    the in people die Leute, die alles mitmachen, was gerade in ist
    5. umg (nur) für Eingeweihte oder Kenner (Witz etc)
    D s
    1. pl POL US Regierungspartei f
    2. Winkel m, Ecke f:
    a) alle Winkel und Ecken,
    b) fig (alle) Einzelheiten oder Schwierigkeiten oder Feinheiten;
    know all the ins and outs of sich ganz genau auskennen bei oder in (dat), in- und auswendig kennen (akk)
    * * *
    1. preposition
    1) (position; also fig.) in (+ Dat.)

    shot/wounded in the leg — ins Bein geschossen/am Bein verwundet

    a change in attitude — eine Änderung der Einstellung; see also herself 1); itself 1)

    eight dogs in ten — acht von zehn Hunden; see also gradient

    5) (as a member of) in (+ Dat.)

    be employed in the Civil Service — als Beamter/Beamtin beschäftigt sein

    there is nothing/not much or little in it — (difference) da ist kein/kein großer Unterschied [zwischen ihnen]

    there is something in what you say — an dem, was Sie sagen, ist etwas dran (ugs.)

    7) (expr. identity) in (+ Dat.)
    8) (concerned with) in (+ Dat.)

    be [not] in it — (as competitor) [nicht] dabei od. im Rennen sein

    10) (with the means of; having as material or colour)

    in this way — auf diese Weise; so

    this sofa is also available in leather/blue — dieses Sofa gibt es auch in Leder/Blau

    draw in crayon/ink — etc. mit Kreide/Tinte usw. zeichnen; see also English 2. 1)

    11) (while, during)

    in fog/rain — etc. bei Nebel/Regen usw.

    in the eighties/nineties — in den Achtzigern/Neunzigern

    4 o'clock in the morning/afternoon — 4 Uhr morgens/abends

    in 1990 — [im Jahre] 1990

    12) (after a period of) in (+ Dat.)

    in three minutes/years — in drei Minuten/Jahren

    have it in one [to do something] — fähig sein [, etwas zu tun]


    in that — insofern als; see also far 1. 4)


    in doing this (by so doing) indem jemand das tut/tat; dadurch

    2. adverb
    1) (inside) hinein[gehen usw.]; (towards speaker) herein[kommen usw.]

    ‘In’ — "Einfahrt"/"Eingang"

    2) (at home, work, etc.)
    3) (included) darin; drin (ugs.)

    cost £50 all in — 50 Pfund kosten, alles inbegriffen

    4) (inward) innen
    5) (in fashion) in (ugs.); in Mode

    be in[Zug, Schiff, Ware, Bewerbung:] da sein; [Ernte:] eingebracht sein


    somebody is in for something(about to undergo something) jemandem steht etwas bevor; (taking part in something) jemand nimmt an etwas (Dat.) teil

    we're in for it now!(coll.) jetzt blüht uns was! (ugs.)

    9) (coll.): (as participant, accomplice, observer, etc.)

    be in on the secret/discussion — in das Geheimnis eingeweiht sein/bei der Diskussion dabei sein

    be [well] in with somebody — mit jemandem [gut] auskommen

    3. attributive adjective

    the in crowd — die Clique, die gerade in ist (ugs.)

    in joke — Insiderwitz, der

    4. noun
    * * *
    hinein adj. prep.
    an präp.
    auf präp.
    in präp.

    English-german dictionary > in

  • 14 VISTA

    Del verbo vestir: ( conjugate vestir) \ \
    vista es: \ \
    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
    Multiple Entries: vestir     vista
    vestir ( conjugate vestir) verbo transitivo 1
    a)niño/muñeca to dress
    2 (liter o period) ( llevar puesto) to wear verbo intransitivo 1 [ persona] to dress; vista de algo ‹de uniforme/azul›) to wear sth; vista de etiqueta to wear formal dress 2 ( ser elegante): de vista ‹traje/zapatos smart vestirse verbo pronominal ( refl)
    date prisa, vístete hurry up, get dressed
    se viste a la última moda she wears the latest styles; siempre se viste de verde she always wears green
    c) ( disfrazarse) vistase de algo to dress up as sth

    vista sustantivo femenino 1 ser corto de vista to be near-sighted; perdió la vista he lost his sight; vista cansada eyestrain
    b) ( ojos) eyes;
    lo operaron de la vista he had an eye operation 2 ( mirada):
    alzar/bajar la vista to look up/down
    3 ( en locs) estar/no estar a la vista to be within/out of sight; a la vista de todos in full view of everyone; ¿tienes algún proyecto a la vista? do you have any projects in view?; a primera or a simple vista at first sight o glance; con vistas a with a view to; en vista de in view of; en vista de que … in view of the fact that …; ¡hasta la vista! see you!, so long! (colloq); perder algo/a algn de vista to lose sight of sth/sb; perderse de vista to disappear from view 4 ( panorama) view; vista aérea aerial view 5 (Der) hearing
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (poner la ropa a alguien) to dress frml to clothe
    2 (llevar puesto) to wear: vestía un traje gris, he was wearing a grey suit
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (llevar) to dress
    viste de rojo, she's wearing red
    vestir bien, to dress well (ser apropiado, elegante) to look smart
    I adjetivo
    1 (considerado socialmente) estar bien visto, to be considered correct o acceptable
    estar mal visto, to be frowned upon/on
    2 (común, poco original) estar muy visto, not to be very original: ese reloj está muy visto, everybody is wearing watches like that
    3 fam (obvio) estar visto, to be obvious o clear
    4 (al parecer) por lo visto, apparently
    5 Jur visto para sentencia, ready for judgement
    II sustantivo masculino visto bueno, approval
    vista sustantivo femenino
    1 (sentido, visión) sight: le conozco de vista, I know him by sight
    ese edificio nos tapa la vista del río, the river is hidden from view by that building
    tienes buena vista, you have good eyesight
    corto de vista, shortsighted, US nearsighted (los ojos) me hace daño a la vista, it hurts my eyes
    2 (perspectiva, panorama) view
    con vistas a la calle, overlooking the street
    3 Jur hearing, trial Locuciones: familiar hacer la vista gorda, to turn a blind eye
    perder de vista, to lose sight of: el tren se perdió de vista, the train disappeared from view familiar ¡piérdete de mi vista!, get out of here!, get lost! (recordar) volver/echar la vista atrás, to look back
    a la vista, (dentro del campo visual) visible, within sight (previsto) tienen un viaje a la vista, they have a trip in mind
    a primera vista/a simple vista, (a la primera, directamente) at first sight o glance: amor a primera vista, love at first sight
    detectó el error a simple vista, he found the mistake straight away (con solo mirar) esa estrella no es visible a simple vista, that star isn't visible with the naked eye (en principio, al parecer) on the face of it
    con vistas a, with a view to
    en vista de, in view of, considering ' vista' also found in these entries: Spanish: abarcar - aguda - agudo - alcance - ante - apartar - cantar - converger - corta - corto - dominar - esforzar - fijar - fina - fino - golpe - graduar - graduarse - herir - lince - novedosa - novedoso - nublarse - punto - recorrer - respetable - saltar - sesgar - versión - visión - volver - aéreo - agradable - alcanzar - amor - ángulo - cansar - chiribita - clavado - clavar - conocer - descansar - devolver - engañar - forzar - levantar - mirada - mirar - nublar - ojo English: acute - angle - aspect - avert - away - bird's-eye view - blind - blot out - clear - contention - delightful - dim - eagle-eyed - eye - eye-level - eyesight - eyestrain - face - glance - glorious - gorgeous - hearing - hide - in - jump out - look up - naked - note - obstruct - open out - oscillate - outlook - overlook - perspective - point - respect - scene - see - seeing - sense - sharp - sight - sight-reading - slant - splendid - standpoint - stare - strain - strained - surface
    1 vista, panorama nombre masculino
    2 figurative use perspectiva
    vista ['vɪstə] n
    : vista f
    panorama s.m.
    perspectiva s.f.
    vista s.f.
    noun vista f; ( panoramic) panorama m
    N ABBR (US) = Volunteers in Service to America programa de ayuda voluntaria a los necesitados
    * * *
    noun vista f; ( panoramic) panorama m

    English-spanish dictionary > VISTA

  • 15 vista

    Del verbo vestir: ( conjugate vestir) \ \
    vista es: \ \
    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
    Multiple Entries: vestir     vista
    vestir ( conjugate vestir) verbo transitivo 1
    a)niño/muñeca to dress
    2 (liter o period) ( llevar puesto) to wear verbo intransitivo 1 [ persona] to dress; vista de algo ‹de uniforme/azul›) to wear sth; vista de etiqueta to wear formal dress 2 ( ser elegante): de vista ‹traje/zapatos smart vestirse verbo pronominal ( refl)
    date prisa, vístete hurry up, get dressed
    se viste a la última moda she wears the latest styles; siempre se viste de verde she always wears green
    c) ( disfrazarse) vistase de algo to dress up as sth

    vista sustantivo femenino 1 ser corto de vista to be near-sighted; perdió la vista he lost his sight; vista cansada eyestrain
    b) ( ojos) eyes;
    lo operaron de la vista he had an eye operation 2 ( mirada):
    alzar/bajar la vista to look up/down
    3 ( en locs) estar/no estar a la vista to be within/out of sight; a la vista de todos in full view of everyone; ¿tienes algún proyecto a la vista? do you have any projects in view?; a primera or a simple vista at first sight o glance; con vistas a with a view to; en vista de in view of; en vista de que … in view of the fact that …; ¡hasta la vista! see you!, so long! (colloq); perder algo/a algn de vista to lose sight of sth/sb; perderse de vista to disappear from view 4 ( panorama) view; vista aérea aerial view 5 (Der) hearing
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (poner la ropa a alguien) to dress frml to clothe
    2 (llevar puesto) to wear: vestía un traje gris, he was wearing a grey suit
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (llevar) to dress
    viste de rojo, she's wearing red
    vestir bien, to dress well (ser apropiado, elegante) to look smart
    I adjetivo
    1 (considerado socialmente) estar bien visto, to be considered correct o acceptable
    estar mal visto, to be frowned upon/on
    2 (común, poco original) estar muy visto, not to be very original: ese reloj está muy visto, everybody is wearing watches like that
    3 fam (obvio) estar visto, to be obvious o clear
    4 (al parecer) por lo visto, apparently
    5 Jur visto para sentencia, ready for judgement
    II sustantivo masculino visto bueno, approval
    vista sustantivo femenino
    1 (sentido, visión) sight: le conozco de vista, I know him by sight
    ese edificio nos tapa la vista del río, the river is hidden from view by that building
    tienes buena vista, you have good eyesight
    corto de vista, shortsighted, US nearsighted (los ojos) me hace daño a la vista, it hurts my eyes
    2 (perspectiva, panorama) view
    con vistas a la calle, overlooking the street
    3 Jur hearing, trial Locuciones: familiar hacer la vista gorda, to turn a blind eye
    perder de vista, to lose sight of: el tren se perdió de vista, the train disappeared from view familiar ¡piérdete de mi vista!, get out of here!, get lost! (recordar) volver/echar la vista atrás, to look back
    a la vista, (dentro del campo visual) visible, within sight (previsto) tienen un viaje a la vista, they have a trip in mind
    a primera vista/a simple vista, (a la primera, directamente) at first sight o glance: amor a primera vista, love at first sight
    detectó el error a simple vista, he found the mistake straight away (con solo mirar) esa estrella no es visible a simple vista, that star isn't visible with the naked eye (en principio, al parecer) on the face of it
    con vistas a, with a view to
    en vista de, in view of, considering ' vista' also found in these entries: Spanish: abarcar - aguda - agudo - alcance - ante - apartar - cantar - converger - corta - corto - dominar - esforzar - fijar - fina - fino - golpe - graduar - graduarse - herir - lince - novedosa - novedoso - nublarse - punto - recorrer - respetable - saltar - sesgar - versión - visión - volver - aéreo - agradable - alcanzar - amor - ángulo - cansar - chiribita - clavado - clavar - conocer - descansar - devolver - engañar - forzar - levantar - mirada - mirar - nublar - ojo English: acute - angle - aspect - avert - away - bird's-eye view - blind - blot out - clear - contention - delightful - dim - eagle-eyed - eye - eye-level - eyesight - eyestrain - face - glance - glorious - gorgeous - hearing - hide - in - jump out - look up - naked - note - obstruct - open out - oscillate - outlook - overlook - perspective - point - respect - scene - see - seeing - sense - sharp - sight - sight-reading - slant - splendid - standpoint - stare - strain - strained - surface
    1 vista, panorama nombre masculino
    2 figurative use perspectiva
    vista ['vɪstə] n
    : vista f
    panorama s.m.
    perspectiva s.f.
    vista s.f.
    noun vista f; ( panoramic) panorama m
    N (lit) vista f, panorama m ; (fig) perspectiva f, horizonte m
    * * *
    noun vista f; ( panoramic) panorama m

    English-spanish dictionary > vista

  • 16 viste

    Del verbo ver: ( conjugate ver) \ \
    viste es: \ \
    2ª persona singular (tú) pretérito indicativo
    Del verbo vestir: ( conjugate vestir) \ \
    viste es: \ \
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo
    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo
    Multiple Entries: ver     vestir     viste
    ver 1 sustantivo masculino 1 ( aspecto):
    ser de buen viste to be good-looking o attractive
    2 ( opinión):
    a mi/su viste in my/his view

    ver 2 ( conjugate ver) verbo transitivo 1
    ¿ves algo? can you see anything?;
    no se ve nada aquí you can't see a thing in here; lo vi hablando con ella I saw him talking to her
    b) ( mirar) ‹programa/partido to watch;
    esa película ya la he visto I've seen that movie before; no poder (ni) viste a algn: no la puede viste he can't stand her 2 (entender, notar) to see;
    ¿no ves lo que está pasando? don't o can't you see what's happening?;
    se la ve preocupada she looks worried; hacerse viste (RPl) to show off 3
    a) (constatar, comprobar) to see;
    ¡ya visteás lo que pasa! you'll see what happens; ¡ya se visteá! we'll see
    ¡nunca he visto cosa igual! I've never seen anything like it!;
    ¡si vieras lo mal que lo pasé! you can't imagine how awful it was!; ¡hubieras visto cómo se asustaron! (AmL) you should have seen the fright they got! 4
    a ver: (vamos) a viste ¿de qué se trata? OK o all right, now, what's the problem?;
    está aquí, en el periódico — ¿a viste? it's here in the newspaperlet's see; apriétalo a viste qué pasa press it and see what happens; a viste si escribes pronto make sure you write soon 5
    a) ( estudiar):
    tengo que viste cómo lo arreglo I have to work out how I can fix it; ya visteé qué hago I'll decide what to do later
    ¿la ha visto un médico? has she been seen by a doctor yet?
    a) (juzgar, considerar):
    a mi modo or manera de viste the way I see it no le veo la gracia I don't think it's funny 7 (visitar, entrevistarse con) ‹amigo/pariente to see, visit; ‹médico/jefe to see;
    ¡cuánto tiempo sin vistete! I haven't seen you for ages!
    tener … que ver: ¿y eso qué tiene que viste? and what does that have to do with it?;
    no tengo nada que viste con él I have nothing to do with him; ¿qué tiene que viste que sea sábado? what difference does it make that it's Saturday? verbo intransitivo 1 ( percibir con la vista) to see; no veo bien de lejos/de cerca I'm shortsighted/longsighted 2 ( constatar):
    ¿hay cerveza? — no sé, voy a viste is there any beer? — I don't know, I'll have a look;
    pues visteás, todo empezó cuando … well you see, the whole thing began when … 3 ( pensar) to see; estar/seguir en visteemos (AmL fam): todavía está en visteemos it isn't certain yet; seguimos en visteemos we still don't know anything verse verbo pronominal 1 ( refl) (percibirse, imaginarse) to see oneself 2 ( hallarse) (+ compl) to find oneself; me vi obligado a despedirlo I had no choice but to dismiss him 3 (esp AmL) ( parecer): no se ve bien con ese peinado that hairdo doesn't suit her 4 ( recípr)
    nos vemos a las siete I'll meet o see you at seven;
    ¡nos vemos! (esp AmL) see you!
    b) (visitarse, encontrarse) to see each other;
    vistese con algn to see sb
    vestir ( conjugate vestir) verbo transitivo 1
    a)niño/muñeca to dress
    2 (liter o period) ( llevar puesto) to wear verbo intransitivo 1 [ persona] to dress; viste de algo ‹de uniforme/azul›) to wear sth; viste de etiqueta to wear formal dress 2 ( ser elegante): de viste ‹traje/zapatos smart vestirse verbo pronominal ( refl)
    date prisa, vístete hurry up, get dressed
    se viste a la última moda she wears the latest styles; siempre se viste de verde she always wears green
    c) ( disfrazarse) vistese de algo to dress up as sth

    vistieron, etc see vestir

    ver 1 m (aspecto exterior) aún estás de buen ver, you're still good-looking
    ver 2 I verbo transitivo
    1 to see: vi tu cartera sobre la mesa, I saw your wallet on the table
    no veo nada, I can't see anything
    puede ver tu casa desde aquí, he can see your house from here ➣ Ver nota en see; (mirar la televisión) to watch: estamos viendo las noticias de las tres, we are watching the three o'clock news (cine) me gustaría ver esa película, I'd like to see that film
    2 (entender) no veo por qué no te gusta, I can't see why you don't like it (considerar) a mi modo de ver, as far as I can see o as I see it
    tus padres no ven bien esa relación, your parents don't agree with that relationship (parecer) se te ve nervioso, you look nervous
    3 (averiguar) ya veremos qué sucede, we'll soon see what happens fam (uso enfático) ¡no veas qué sitio tan bonito!, you wouldn't believe what a beautiful place!
    4 a ver, let's see: a ver si acabamos este trabajo, let's see if we can finish this job
    me compré un compacto, - ¿a ver?, I bought a compact disc, - let's have a look!
    5 (ir a ver, visitar) to see, visit: le fui a ver al hospital, I visited him in hospital
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 to see: no ve bien de lejos, he's shortsighted, US nearsighted
    2 (dudar, pensar) ¿me prestas este libro?, - ya veré, will you lend me this book?, - I'll see
    3 (tener relación) no tengo nada que ver con ese asunto, I have nothing to do with that business
    solo tiene cincuenta años, - ¿y eso qué tiene qué ver?, he's only fifty, - so what? Locuciones: no poder ver a alguien: no puede (ni) verle, she can't stand him
    ¿To see, to watch o to look?
    Los tres verbos reflejan tres conceptos muy distintos. To see hace referencia a la capacidad visual y no es fruto de una acción deliberada. A menudo se usa con can o could: I can see the mountains from my bedroom. Puedo ver las montañas desde mi dormitorio.
    To look at implica una acción deliberada: I saw an old atlas, so I opened it and looked at the maps. Vi un atlas antiguo, así que lo abrí y miré los mapas.
    To watch también se refiere a una acción deliberada, a menudo cuando se tiene un interés especial por lo que ocurre: I watched the planes in the sky with great interest. Miraba los aviones en el cielo con gran interés. Igualmente puede indicar el paso del tiempo (we watched the animals playing for half an hour, durante media hora observamos cómo jugaban los animales), movimiento (they stood there watching the cars drive off into the distance, se quedaron allí de pie viendo cómo se marchaban los coches) o vigilancia (the policemen have been watching this house because they thought we were thieves, los policías estaban vigilando la casa porque pensaban que éramos ladrones). Para hablar de películas u obras de teatro usamos to see: Have you seen Hamlet?, ¿Has visto Hamlet? To watch se refiere a la televisión y los deportes en general: I always watch the television in the evening. Siempre veo la televisión por las noches. I like to watch football. Me gusta ver el fútbol. Al hablar de programas o partidos específicos podemos usar tanto to watch como to see: I like to see/watch the news at 9:00. Me gusta ver las noticias a las 9.00. Did you see/watch the match last night?, ¿Viste el partido anoche?
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (poner la ropa a alguien) to dress frml to clothe
    2 (llevar puesto) to wear: vestía un traje gris, he was wearing a grey suit
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (llevar) to dress
    viste de rojo, she's wearing red
    vestir bien, to dress well (ser apropiado, elegante) to look smart ' viste' also found in these entries: Spanish: negra - negro - oscura - oscuro - ver - vestir - vestirse - atención - fatal English: just - ostentatious - outrageous - that - whom - dresser - last

    English-spanish dictionary > viste

  • 17 visto

    Del verbo ver: ( conjugate ver) \ \
    visto es: \ \
    el participio
    Del verbo vestir: ( conjugate vestir) \ \
    visto es: \ \
    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
    Multiple Entries: ver     vestir     visto
    ver 1 sustantivo masculino 1 ( aspecto):
    ser de buen visto to be good-looking o attractive
    2 ( opinión):
    a mi/su visto in my/his view

    ver 2 ( conjugate ver) verbo transitivo 1
    ¿ves algo? can you see anything?;
    no se ve nada aquí you can't see a thing in here; lo vi hablando con ella I saw him talking to her
    b) ( mirar) ‹programa/partido to watch;
    esa película ya la he visto I've seen that movie before; no poder (ni) visto a algn: no la puede visto he can't stand her 2 (entender, notar) to see;
    ¿no ves lo que está pasando? don't o can't you see what's happening?;
    se la ve preocupada she looks worried; hacerse visto (RPl) to show off 3
    a) (constatar, comprobar) to see;
    ¡ya vistoás lo que pasa! you'll see what happens; ¡ya se vistoá! we'll see
    ¡nunca he visto cosa igual! I've never seen anything like it!;
    ¡si vieras lo mal que lo pasé! you can't imagine how awful it was!; ¡hubieras visto cómo se asustaron! (AmL) you should have seen the fright they got! 4
    a ver: (vamos) a visto ¿de qué se trata? OK o all right, now, what's the problem?;
    está aquí, en el periódico — ¿a visto? it's here in the newspaperlet's see; apriétalo a visto qué pasa press it and see what happens; a visto si escribes pronto make sure you write soon 5
    a) ( estudiar):
    tengo que visto cómo lo arreglo I have to work out how I can fix it; ya vistoé qué hago I'll decide what to do later
    ¿la ha visto un médico? has she been seen by a doctor yet?
    a) (juzgar, considerar):
    a mi modo or manera de visto the way I see it no le veo la gracia I don't think it's funny 7 (visitar, entrevistarse con) ‹amigo/pariente to see, visit; ‹médico/jefe to see;
    ¡cuánto tiempo sin vistote! I haven't seen you for ages!
    tener … que ver: ¿y eso qué tiene que visto? and what does that have to do with it?;
    no tengo nada que visto con él I have nothing to do with him; ¿qué tiene que visto que sea sábado? what difference does it make that it's Saturday? verbo intransitivo 1 ( percibir con la vista) to see; no veo bien de lejos/de cerca I'm shortsighted/longsighted 2 ( constatar):
    ¿hay cerveza? — no sé, voy a visto is there any beer? — I don't know, I'll have a look;
    pues vistoás, todo empezó cuando … well you see, the whole thing began when … 3 ( pensar) to see; estar/seguir en vistoemos (AmL fam): todavía está en vistoemos it isn't certain yet; seguimos en vistoemos we still don't know anything verse verbo pronominal 1 ( refl) (percibirse, imaginarse) to see oneself 2 ( hallarse) (+ compl) to find oneself; me vi obligado a despedirlo I had no choice but to dismiss him 3 (esp AmL) ( parecer): no se ve bien con ese peinado that hairdo doesn't suit her 4 ( recípr)
    nos vemos a las siete I'll meet o see you at seven;
    ¡nos vemos! (esp AmL) see you!
    b) (visitarse, encontrarse) to see each other;
    vistose con algn to see sb
    vestir ( conjugate vestir) verbo transitivo 1
    a)niño/muñeca to dress
    2 (liter o period) ( llevar puesto) to wear verbo intransitivo 1 [ persona] to dress; visto de algo ‹de uniforme/azul›) to wear sth; visto de etiqueta to wear formal dress 2 ( ser elegante): de visto ‹traje/zapatos smart vestirse verbo pronominal ( refl)
    date prisa, vístete hurry up, get dressed
    se viste a la última moda she wears the latest styles; siempre se viste de verde she always wears green
    c) ( disfrazarse) vistose de algo to dress up as sth

    visto 1
    ◊ -ta adjetivo
    a) (claro, evidente) obvious, clear;
    está/estaba visto que … it is/was clear o obvious that …
    2 [estar] (común, trillado): eso ya está muy visto that's not very original 3 ( considerado): estaba mal visto que las mujeres fumaran it was not the done thing o it was frowned upon for women to smoke
    visto 2 sustantivo masculino
    a) (Esp) check (AmE), tick (BrE)
    tiene que dar el visto bueno she has to give her approval
    visto 3 see vestir, ver 2
    ver 1 m (aspecto exterior) aún estás de buen ver, you're still good-looking
    ver 2 I verbo transitivo
    1 to see: vi tu cartera sobre la mesa, I saw your wallet on the table
    no veo nada, I can't see anything
    puede ver tu casa desde aquí, he can see your house from here ➣ Ver nota en see; (mirar la televisión) to watch: estamos viendo las noticias de las tres, we are watching the three o'clock news (cine) me gustaría ver esa película, I'd like to see that film
    2 (entender) no veo por qué no te gusta, I can't see why you don't like it (considerar) a mi modo de ver, as far as I can see o as I see it
    tus padres no ven bien esa relación, your parents don't agree with that relationship (parecer) se te ve nervioso, you look nervous
    3 (averiguar) ya veremos qué sucede, we'll soon see what happens fam (uso enfático) ¡no veas qué sitio tan bonito!, you wouldn't believe what a beautiful place!
    4 a ver, let's see: a ver si acabamos este trabajo, let's see if we can finish this job
    me compré un compacto, - ¿a ver?, I bought a compact disc, - let's have a look!
    5 (ir a ver, visitar) to see, visit: le fui a ver al hospital, I visited him in hospital
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 to see: no ve bien de lejos, he's shortsighted, US nearsighted
    2 (dudar, pensar) ¿me prestas este libro?, - ya veré, will you lend me this book?, - I'll see
    3 (tener relación) no tengo nada que ver con ese asunto, I have nothing to do with that business
    solo tiene cincuenta años, - ¿y eso qué tiene qué ver?, he's only fifty, - so what? Locuciones: no poder ver a alguien: no puede (ni) verle, she can't stand him
    ¿To see, to watch o to look?
    Los tres verbos reflejan tres conceptos muy distintos. To see hace referencia a la capacidad visual y no es fruto de una acción deliberada. A menudo se usa con can o could: I can see the mountains from my bedroom. Puedo ver las montañas desde mi dormitorio.
    To look at implica una acción deliberada: I saw an old atlas, so I opened it and looked at the maps. Vi un atlas antiguo, así que lo abrí y miré los mapas.
    To watch también se refiere a una acción deliberada, a menudo cuando se tiene un interés especial por lo que ocurre: I watched the planes in the sky with great interest. Miraba los aviones en el cielo con gran interés. Igualmente puede indicar el paso del tiempo (we watched the animals playing for half an hour, durante media hora observamos cómo jugaban los animales), movimiento (they stood there watching the cars drive off into the distance, se quedaron allí de pie viendo cómo se marchaban los coches) o vigilancia (the policemen have been watching this house because they thought we were thieves, los policías estaban vigilando la casa porque pensaban que éramos ladrones). Para hablar de películas u obras de teatro usamos to see: Have you seen Hamlet?, ¿Has visto Hamlet? To watch se refiere a la televisión y los deportes en general: I always watch the television in the evening. Siempre veo la televisión por las noches. I like to watch football. Me gusta ver el fútbol. Al hablar de programas o partidos específicos podemos usar tanto to watch como to see: I like to see/watch the news at 9:00. Me gusta ver las noticias a las 9.00. Did you see/watch the match last night?, ¿Viste el partido anoche?
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (poner la ropa a alguien) to dress frml to clothe
    2 (llevar puesto) to wear: vestía un traje gris, he was wearing a grey suit
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (llevar) to dress
    viste de rojo, she's wearing red
    vestir bien, to dress well (ser apropiado, elegante) to look smart
    I adjetivo
    1 (considerado socialmente) estar bien visto, to be considered correct o acceptable
    estar mal visto, to be frowned upon/on
    2 (común, poco original) estar muy visto, not to be very original: ese reloj está muy visto, everybody is wearing watches like that
    3 fam (obvio) estar visto, to be obvious o clear
    4 (al parecer) por lo visto, apparently
    5 Jur visto para sentencia, ready for judgement
    II sustantivo masculino visto bueno, approval ' visto' also found in these entries: Spanish: colarse - contada - contado - cosa - jamás - merodear - peor - perjurar - pretender - quien - repetida - repetido - tampoco - ver - vista - acordar - alguno - asegurar - junto - perfil English: apparently - appearance - approval - assent - before - blow - censor - clear - endorse - endorsement - evidently - frown on - goings-on - have - life - miss - not - OK - okay - point-blank - seal - sorry - they - tick - us - will - worst - anywhere - bill - check - deal - done - frown - go - lot - no - obviously - report - rubber - socially - sound - state - still - unseen

    English-spanish dictionary > visto

  • 18 get

    1. v (got, ост. и ам. pp gotten) вземам, получавам
    2. добивам, придобивам, получавам (и с труд), изкарвам, изтръгвам (с молба и пр.) (from, out of)
    he GETs his timidity from his mother наследил е плахостта на майка си
    3. печеля, спечелвам, добивам
    I got little by it не спечелих много от това
    4. хващам, улавям, улучвам
    5. разг. схващам, разбирам
    I don't GET you/your meaning не те разбирам
    do you GET me? разбираш ли какво искам да ти кажа? I've got it сетих се
    you've got it wrong погрешно си разбрал, грешиш
    6. разг. завладявам, поразявам, озадачавам, дразня
    what's got him? разг. какво го е прихванало? it GETs me how he could do such a thing чудя се как е могъл да направи такова нещо
    7. разболявам се от, хващам (болест)
    8. купувам
    9. намирам, доставям, донасям, отивам да търся/да взема
    how can I GET it to you? как да ти го изпратя
    10. стигам, пристигам, идвам, отивам
    I don't know where he has got to не знам къде се е дянал
    11. накарвам, заставам, принуждавам, убеждавам
    to GET a door to shut успявам да затворя вратата
    to GET someone on a subject накарвам някого да говори на дадена тема
    to GET oneself appointed успявам да се назнача
    12. ставам (някакъв) (с a predic)
    to GET old остарявам
    to GET angry разсърдвам се
    to GET dressed обличам се
    13. почвам да (с presp)
    to GET doing почвам, тръгвам
    to GET talking заприказвам се, разприказвам се
    14. с inf означава начало на действие
    to GET to know узнавам, опознавам, запознавам се с
    to GET to like обиквам
    we got to be friends сприятелихме се
    15. с pp изразява pass
    to GET caught/dismissed/killed бивам хванат/уволнен/убит
    my watch got stolen откраднаха ми часовника
    to GET something done свършвам/направям нещо
    to GET done/finished with завършвам, приключвам
    16. със същ. или мест. -pp- означава, че действието се извършва от друг
    he got a coat made поръча си/направи си палто
    to GET one's hair cat подстригвам се (при бръснар)
    17. have got имам, притежавам
    what's that got to do with it? какво общо има това с въпроса
    18. have got to inf трябва/длъжен съм да
    to GET it (hot) разг. ям калай
    to GET a splinter into one's finger влиза ми треска в пръста
    he has got it bad (ly) sl. много е хлътнал (за влюбен)
    to GET six months (in prison) осъждат ме на шест месеца затвор
    to GET sight/a glimpse of зервам, съзирам
    I've got you there сега вече те хванах на тясно
    they got theirs sl. утрепаха ги
    to GET a woman with child правя жена да забременее
    to GET there разг. успявам
    sl. загрявам
    get about движа се, обикалям, ходя, започвам да излизам (след болест), разпространявам се, разчувам се (за слух), много пътувам, виждам свят
    get across преминавам, прехвърлям (се), разг. успявам да предам (мисъл и пр., така че да се разбере), правя достъпен/разбираем, разг. бивам разбран/възприет, имам успех (за пиеса)
    get after aм. подхващам (някого), смъмрям
    get ahead надминавам, оставям зад себе си (of someone), напредвам, преуспявам
    get along карам, поминувам, преживявам, справям се
    how are you GETting along? как върви работата? GET along with your work! гледай си работата! разг. тръгвам (си)
    we'd better GET along home да бяхме си тръгнали
    GET along (with you)! разг. махай се! да те няма! обирай си крушите! хайде де! не приказвай глупости! погаждам се, разбирам се (with с), закарвам (някого, някъде)
    get around ам. обикалям,,, виждам свят, пътувам много, разчувам се
    ам. get round
    get at добирам се/имам достъп до, свързвам се/установявам връзка с, подкупвам, надсмивам се/подигравам се на, дразня, нападам
    let me GET at him само да ми падне (в ръцете), намеквам
    what/who are you GETting at? за какво/кого намекваш? I know what you're GETting at знам къде биеш
    get away избягвам, измъквам (се), отивам си
    to GET away with something успявам да пробутам нещо (извинение и пр.), минавам безнаказано
    GET away with you! ам. get along - a, махам, отстранявам, отвеждам
    get back връщам се
    съзсръщам се (нещо), to GET back at someone отмъщавам си
    get behind изоставам
    get by минавам, преминавам, промъквам се покрай, разг. минавам, преживявам някак си, карам
    get down спускам се, слизам, свалям, откачам
    залавям се (за работа и пр.) (to)
    разглеждам (въпрос, факти и пр.), when you GET down to it строго погледнато, гълтам (залък и пр.), записвам (нещо), разг. потискам, развалям настроението на, падам духом, губя настроение
    get forward напредвам
    свършвам/отхвърлям работа (with)
    get in влизам, пристигам (за влак), вкарвам, събирам, прибирам (посеви, даници, пари и пр.), бивам избран, печеля избори, повиквам (майстор), набавям си, доставям си, нанасям (удар), впрягам (коне и пр.), засявам, включвам (в програмата си)
    I'll GET in some swimming during the holidays ще поплувам през ваканцията си
    * * *
    {get} v (got {gъt}, ост. и ам. pp gotten {gъtn}) 1. вземам;
    * * *
    хващам; хващам; ставам; стигам; спечелвам; снабдявам; улавям; сдобивам се; попадам; придобивам; пристигам; вземам; доставям; добивам; донасям; добирам се; набавям;
    * * *
    1. 1 have got to inf трябва/длъжен съм да 2. 1 have got имам, притежавам 3. 1 накарвам, заставам, принуждавам, убеждавам 4. 1 почвам да (с presp) 5. 1 с inf означава начало на действие 6. 1 с pp изразява pass 7. 1 ставам (някакъв) (с a predic) 8. 1 със същ. или мест. -pp- означава, че действието се извършва от друг 9. do you get me? разбираш ли какво искам да ти кажа? i've got it сетих се 10. get about движа се, обикалям, ходя, започвам да излизам (след болест), разпространявам се, разчувам се (за слух), много пътувам, виждам свят 11. get across преминавам, прехвърлям (се), разг. успявам да предам (мисъл и пр., така че да се разбере), правя достъпен/разбираем, разг. бивам разбран/възприет, имам успех (за пиеса) 12. get after aм. подхващам (някого), смъмрям 13. get ahead надминавам, оставям зад себе си (of someone), напредвам, преуспявам 14. get along (with you)! разг. махай се! да те няма! обирай си крушите! хайде де! не приказвай глупости! погаждам се, разбирам се (with с), закарвам (някого, някъде) 15. get along карам, поминувам, преживявам, справям се 16. get around ам. обикалям,,, виждам свят, пътувам много, разчувам се 17. get at добирам се/имам достъп до, свързвам се/установявам връзка с, подкупвам, надсмивам се/подигравам се на, дразня, нападам 18. get away with you! ам. get along - a, махам, отстранявам, отвеждам 19. get away избягвам, измъквам (се), отивам си 20. get back връщам се 21. get behind изоставам 22. get by минавам, преминавам, промъквам се покрай, разг. минавам, преживявам някак си, карам 23. get down спускам се, слизам, свалям, откачам 24. get forward напредвам 25. get in влизам, пристигам (за влак), вкарвам, събирам, прибирам (посеви, даници, пари и пр.), бивам избран, печеля избори, повиквам (майстор), набавям си, доставям си, нанасям (удар), впрягам (коне и пр.), засявам, включвам (в програмата си) 26. he gets his timidity from his mother наследил е плахостта на майка си 27. he got a coat made поръча си/направи си палто 28. he has got it bad (ly) sl. много е хлътнал (за влюбен) 29. how are you getting along? как върви работата? get along with your work! гледай си работата! разг. тръгвам (си) 30. how can i get it to you? как да ти го изпратя 31. i don't get you/your meaning не те разбирам 32. i don't know where he has got to не знам къде се е дянал 33. i got little by it не спечелих много от това 34. i'll get in some swimming during the holidays ще поплувам през ваканцията си 35. i've got you there сега вече те хванах на тясно 36. let me get at him само да ми падне (в ръцете), намеквам 37. my watch got stolen откраднаха ми часовника 38. sl. загрявам 39. they got theirs sl. утрепаха ги 40. to get a door to shut успявам да затворя вратата 41. to get a splinter into one's finger влиза ми треска в пръста 42. to get a woman with child правя жена да забременее 43. to get angry разсърдвам се 44. to get away with something успявам да пробутам нещо (извинение и пр.), минавам безнаказано 45. to get caught/dismissed/killed бивам хванат/уволнен/убит 46. to get doing почвам, тръгвам 47. to get done/finished with завършвам, приключвам 48. to get dressed обличам се 49. to get it (hot) разг. ям калай 50. to get old остарявам 51. to get one's hair cat подстригвам се (при бръснар) 52. to get oneself appointed успявам да се назнача 53. to get sight/a glimpse of зервам, съзирам 54. to get six months (in prison) осъждат ме на шест месеца затвор 55. to get someone on a subject накарвам някого да говори на дадена тема 56. to get something done свършвам/направям нещо 57. to get talking заприказвам се, разприказвам се 58. to get there разг. успявам 59. to get to know узнавам, опознавам, запознавам се с 60. to get to like обиквам 61. v (got, ост. и ам. pp gotten) вземам, получавам 62. we got to be friends сприятелихме се 63. we'd better get along home да бяхме си тръгнали 64. what's got him? разг. какво го е прихванало? it gets me how he could do such a thing чудя се как е могъл да направи такова нещо 65. what's that got to do with it? какво общо има това с въпроса 66. what/who are you getting at? за какво/кого намекваш? i know what you're getting at знам къде биеш 67. you've got it wrong погрешно си разбрал, грешиш 68. ам. get round 69. добивам, придобивам, получавам (и с труд), изкарвам, изтръгвам (с молба и пр.) (from, out of) 70. залавям се (за работа и пр.) (to) 71. купувам 72. намирам, доставям, донасям, отивам да търся/да взема 73. печеля, спечелвам, добивам 74. разболявам се от, хващам (болест) 75. разг. завладявам, поразявам, озадачавам, дразня 76. разг. схващам, разбирам 77. разглеждам (въпрос, факти и пр.), when you get down to it строго погледнато, гълтам (залък и пр.), записвам (нещо), разг. потискам, развалям настроението на, падам духом, губя настроение 78. свършвам/отхвърлям работа (with) 79. стигам, пристигам, идвам, отивам 80. съзсръщам се (нещо), to get back at someone отмъщавам си 81. хващам, улавям, улучвам
    * * *
    get [get] v ( got[gɔt]; ост. и ам. pp gotten[´gɔtn]) 1. вземам; получавам; добивам, придобивам, получавам (и с труд); изкарвам, изтръгвам (с молба, искане, въпрос) ( from, out, of); to \get coal добивам (копая) въглища; to \get admission to получавам (имам) достъп до; to \get leave of ( out of, from) получавам разрешение от; to \get it ( hot) разг. ям калай; 2. стигам, пристигам, идвам; отивам; добирам се; how is one to \get there? как може да се отиде (дойде) дотам; where have you got with your work? докъде си стигнал с работата си? he got as far as saying той тъкмо щеше да каже; to \get home стигам до вкъщи, прен. попадам в целта; побеждавам, постигам победа (за спортист); to \get nowhere не постигам нищо; провалям се; 3. ставам, започвам да бъда (c predic); to \get hungry огладнявам; to \get old остарявам, застарявам, състарявам се; извехтявам; to \get grey посивявам, побелявам; I am \getting cold става ми студено; to \get better ( worse) подобрявам се (влошавам се); to \get wet ( dry) намокрям се (изсъхвам); to \get upset разстройвам се; to \get clear ( rid, quit) of освобождавам се, отървавам се от; to \get engaged сгодявам се; to \get used to свиквам с (да), навиквам с; to \get going почвам, тръгвам; to \get talking with s.o. заприказвам се с някого; 4. хващам, пипвам, улавям, улучвам; прен. схващам, възприемам, разбирам; долавям; завладявам, поразявам; the bullet got him in the back куршумът го улучи в гърба; to \get a television channel хващам телевизионен канал; I don't \get him ( his meaning) не го разбирам; to \get it wrong разбирам погрешно; to \get the point виждам смисъла, схващам идеята; what's got him? разг. какво го прихваща? it \gets me how he can be so stupid разг. поразява ме неговата глупост; the play didn't quite \get me пиесата не можа да ме завладее; we got the train to London хванахме влака за Лондон; 5. разболявам се; хващам ( зараза); заразявам се; to \get the chicken pox разболявам се от варицела; to \get a splinter in o.'s finger влязла ми е треска в пръста; 6. купувам; I must \get a new car трябва да си купя нова кола; 7. приготвям; to \get a meal приготвям ядене; she is \getting the dinner тя приготвя вечерята; 8. ангажирам, запазвам резервирам (място, билет, стая в хотел и пр.); 9. продава се за, стига до (цена, печалба); the old teapot got 180 dollars старият чайник се продаде за 180 долара; 10. намирам, донасям; доставям; отивам да търся; go and \get the doctor иди намери (доведи) доктора; how can I \get it to you? как да ти го изпратя? to \get s.th. to drink намирам нещо за пиене; вземам нещо за ядене; 11. сполучвам, успявам, постигам; to \get o.'s work finished смогвам да си свърша работата; to \get a sight of успявам да видя; to \get o.'s own way налагам се; to \get hold of хващам, схващам; to \get the best of it побеждавам; 12. карам, накарвам, убеждавам; заставям, принуждавам (със сложно допълнение); I got John to help me clean the house убедих Джон да ми помогне да почистя къщата; I could \get s.o. else to do it мога да накарам някой друг да свърши това; to \get a ship under way пускам кораб; to \get it done свършвам, правя; 13. печеля, спечелвам, добивам; I got little by it не спечелих много от това; to \get a name спечелвам си име; 14. c inf на смисловия глагол означава началото на действието; to \get to know узнавам, запознавам се с; you will \get to like the child ще обикнеш детето; they got to be friends те се сприятелиха, станаха приятели; every capital city in the world is \getting to look like every other всички столици в света започват да си приличат; 15. със страд. залог; to \get stolen ( broken, caught, dismissed, fired) бивам откраднат (счупен, хванат, уволнен); to \get done ( finished) with завършвам, приключвам; if s.o. \gets killed ако някой бъде убит; 16. със сложно допълнение - същ. или мест. + pp - означава, че действието се извършва от друг по желание на действащото лице; I got a coat made поръчах си палто; I got my car repaired поправиха ми колата; 17. разг. имам, владея, притежавам (в pres perf = гл. to have); I've got a new bag имам нова чанта; what's that got to do with it? какво общо има това с въпроса? what have you got to say? какво ще кажеш? 18. трябва, длъжен съм, задължен съм, ост. отговорен съм (в pres perf + inf); I have got to do it длъжен съм да го направя; it has got to be done това трябва да се направи; I've got to talk to him трябва да говоря с него; \get up and go ам. разг. инициатива, предприемчивост, настойчивост; to \get what' s coming to one ам. разг. получавам си заслуженото, получавам това, което ми се полага, ползвам се с уважение; to \get wise to s.th. откривам, разкривам, запознавам се с (факти и пр.); to have got it bad ( badly) sl влюбен съм до уши, хлътнал съм;

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > get

  • 19 in

    [ɪn] prep
    1) ( enclosed in) in +dat;
    the butter is \in the fridge die Butter ist im Kühlschrank;
    they live \in a cottage sie wohnen in einer Hütte;
    to be \in bed im Bett sein;
    to ride \in a car [im] Auto fahren;
    he likes swimming \in lakes er schwimmt gerne in Seen;
    it was covered \in dirt es war mit Schmutz überzogen;
    to lie \in the sun in der Sonne baden [o liegen];
    to find information \in the internet Informationen im Internet finden;
    she has over $100,000 \in a savings account sie hat über $100.000 auf einem Sparkonto;
    I've got a pain \in my back ich habe Schmerzen im Rücken;
    \in sb's head in jds Kopf;
    I never know what's going on \in her head ich weiß nie, was in ihrem Kopf vorgeht;
    to be \in hospital im Krankenhaus sein;
    to be \in and out of sth immer wieder in etw dat sein;
    she's been \in and out of hospitals ever since the accident sie war seit dem Unfall immer wieder im Krankenhaus
    2) ( surrounded by) in +dat;
    there are several gangs \in my neighbourhood in meiner Umgebung gab es mehrere Gangs;
    down below \in the valley unten im Tal;
    I got stuck \in a traffic jam ich bin in einen Stau gekommen;
    to stand \in the road auf der Straße sehen;
    the ducks swam \in the pond die Enten schwammen im Teich;
    I live \in New York ich lebe in New York;
    to look at oneself \in the mirror sich akk im Spiegel betrachten;
    \in the middle of sth in der Mitte von etw dat
    3) ( visible through) in +dat;
    \in the window im Fenster;
    the lady stood \in the doorway die Frau stand im Eingang
    4) after vb ( into) in +dat;
    to get \in the car ins Auto steigen;
    I just put too much milk \in my coffee ich habe zu viel Milch in meinen Kaffee getan;
    they decided to invest their savings \in stocks sie entschieden sich dazu, ihre Ersparnisse in Aktien anzulegen;
    to invest \in the future in die Zukunft investieren
    5) (Am) (at) auf +dat;
    is Erika still \in school? ist Erika noch auf der Schule?;
    Boris is \in college Boris ist auf dem College
    6) ( as part of) in +dat;
    who's the woman \in that painting? wer ist die Frau auf diesem Bild?;
    he was singer \in a band er war Sänger in einer Band;
    over 20 horses were \in the race an dem Rennen nahmen 20 Pferde teil;
    he looked for her face \in the crowd er suchte ihre Gesicht in der Menge;
    these themes can often be found \in Schiller diese Themen kommen bei Schiller oft vor;
    what do you look for \in a relationship? was erwartest du in einer Beziehung?;
    you're with us \in our thoughts wir denken an dich
    \in sth in etw dat;
    she works \in publishing sie arbeitet bei einem Verlag;
    they enlisted \in the army for two years sie verpflichteten sich für zwei Jahre als Soldaten;
    a degree \in sth ein Abschluss in etw dat;
    \in search of sb/ sth auf der Suche nach jdm/etw
    8) ( dressed) in +dat;
    the man [dressed] \in the grey suit der Mann in dem grauen Anzug;
    you look nice \in green grün steht dir;
    \in the nude nackt;
    to sunbathe \in the nude nackt sonnenbaden
    9) ( expressed as) oil paint, watercolour mit +dat;
    cheques should be written \in ink Schecks sollten mit Tinte ausgefüllt werden; French, English auf +dat;
    they spoke \in Russian the whole time sie sprachen die ganze Zeit auf Russisch;
    can you give me that offer \in writing? können Sie mir dieses Angebot schriftlich geben?;
    \in a small voice mit leiser Stimme;
    \in all honesty in aller Aufrichtigkeit;
    to tell sb sth \in all seriousness jdm etw in vollem Ernst sagen;
    to pay \in dollars mit [o in] Dollar zahlen;
    to write \in short simple sentences in kurzen einfachen Sätzen schreiben;
    to swear \in an oath einen Eid schwören;
    she told me \in a promise that she would wait for me sie hat mir versprochen, auf mich zu warten;
    to say sth \in a nutshell etw in aller Kürze sagen;
    \in conclusion schließlich, zum Schluss;
    he always talks \in a whisper er spricht immer sehr leise;
    to speak to sb \in a normal tone of voice sich akk mit jdm normal unterhalten;
    to listen to music \in stereo Musik stereo hören;
    Mozart's Piano Concerto \in E flat Mozarts Klavierkonzert in E-Moll;
    \in fact tatsächlich, in Wirklichkeit;
    \in the form of sth in Form von dat;
    \in the form of a request in Form einer Anfrage
    10) ( during) am +dat, in +dat;
    \in the morning/ evening am Morgen/Abend;
    did you hear the thunder \in the night? hast du heute Nacht den Donner gehört?;
    \in the autumn/ spring im Herbst/Frühling;
    we're going to Italy \in April wir fahren im April nach Italien;
    \in the late 60s in den späten Sechzigern;
    they met \in 1885 sie trafen sich 1885;
    she hasn't heard from him \in six months sie hat seit sechs Monaten nichts mehr von ihm gehört;
    I haven't done that \in a long time ich habe das lange Zeit nicht mehr gemacht;
    to be with the Lord \in eternity bei Gott im Himmel sein;
    \in the aftermath of the earthquake in der Zeit nach dem Erdbeben
    11) ( at later time) in +dat;
    dinner will be ready \in ten minutes das Essen ist in zehn Minuten fertig;
    \in the end am Ende, schließlich
    12) ( no later than) in +dat;
    \in two weeks;
    we need that contract signed \in two days der Vertrag muss in zwei Tagen unterzeichnet sein;
    they completed the journey \in record time sie haben die Reise in einer Rekordzeit beendet
    13) ( at distance of) nach +dat;
    the house should be coming up \in about one mile das Haus müsste nach einer Meile auftauchen
    14) (expressing state, condition) in +dat;
    \in anger im Zorn;
    \in horror voller Entsetzen;
    to live \in luxury im Luxus leben;
    \in the secret im Geheimen, heimlich;
    \in private vertraulich;
    she was \in stress at the moment sie war gerade im Stress;
    he left \in a hurry sie ging in aller Eile davon;
    to be \in doubt zweifeln;
    to get \in trouble Schwierigkeiten bekommen;
    he cried out \in pain er schrie vor Schmerzen;
    she was \in a good mood that day ihre Stimmung an diesem Tag war gut;
    he always drinks \in excess er trinkt immer zu viel;
    to be \in no doubt nicht an etw dat zweifeln;
    to fall \in love [with sb] sich akk [in jdn] verlieben;
    to come \in question in Frage gestellt werden;
    \in a state of sth in einem Zustand von etw dat;
    \in a state of panic in Panik;
    everything is \in a state of chaos alles ist in einem chaotischen Zustand;
    \in his excitement in seiner Begeisterung
    \in exchange als Ersatz, dafür;
    \in response to als Antwort auf +akk;
    \in reply [or answer] to als Reaktion [o Antwort] auf +akk;
    \in refusing to work abroad, she missed a good job weil sie sich weigerte, im Ausland zu arbeiten, entging ihr ein guter Job;
    \in doing so dabei, damit;
    \in that... ( form) insofern als;
    I was fortunate \in that I had friends ich hatte Glück, weil ich Freunde hatte
    16) ( arranged as) in +dat;
    then we sat down \in a circle wir setzten uns in einem Kreis hin;
    get together \in groups of four! bildet Vierergruppen!;
    sometimes customers buy books \in twos manchmal kaufen Kunden Bücher doppelt;
    slice the potatoes \in two beforehand! schneiden Sie die Kartoffel vorher einmal durch!;
    to die \in their thousands zu Tausenden sterben;
    he ripped up the note \in pieces er zerriss den Notizzettel in kleine Fetzen;
    \in total insgesamt
    17) ( comparing amounts) pro +dat;
    six pence \in the pound sechs Pennys pro Pfund;
    one \in ten people jeder zehnte;
    she has a one \in three chance ihre Chancen stehen eins zu drei;
    there's nothing [or not much] [or very little] \in it da ist kein großer Unterschied
    he is deaf \in his left ear er hört auf dem linken Ohr nichts;
    to be equal \in weight gleich viel wiegen;
    he's about six foot \in height er ist ca. zwei Meter groß;
    dark \in colour dunkelfarbig;
    difference \in quality Qualitätsunterschied m;
    it's not \in his nature es liegt nicht in seiner Natur;
    \in every respect in jeder Hinsicht;
    \in sb mit jdm;
    \in Kim, he's got a very good friend as well as a lover mit Kim hat er eine sehr gute Freundin und Liebhaberin;
    it isn't \in sb to do sth jd ist nicht zu etw dat in der Lage;
    it's not \in me to lie ich kann nicht lügen;
    to not have it \in one to do sth nicht in der Lage sein, etw zu tun
    19) ( approximately) in +dat;
    to be \in one's forties in den Vierzigern sein;
    temperatures tomorrow will be \in the mid-twenties die Temperaturen bewegen sich um 25 Grad
    to assist a doctor \in an operation einem Arzt bei einer Operation assistieren;
    the whole family shared \in his success die ganze Familie nahm Anteil an seinem Erfolg;
    don't interfere \in my business unasked! mische dich nicht ungefragt in meine Angelegenheiten ein!;
    she's interested \in photography sie interessiert sich für Fotografie after n
    we have confidence \in you wir vertrauen dir;
    she had no say \in the decision sie hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Entscheidung;
    a change \in sth eine Änderung in etw dat;
    she underwent a change \in style sie hat ihren Stil geändert
    \in sth anstatt etw +dat;
    he came to the party \in his friend's place er kam anstatt seinem Freund auf die Party;
    \in God's/ heaven's name um Gottes/Himmels willen;
    \in lieu of sth anstelle von, anstatt
    to put one's foot \in one's mouth [or it] ins Fettnäpfchen treten;
    to follow \in sb's footsteps in jds Fußstapfen treten;
    \in hell ( fam) überhaupt;
    \in line übereinstimmend;
    they tried to keep their children \in line sie versuchten, die Kinder bei der Stange zu halten;
    to put sb \in their place jdn in seine Schranken weisen;
    to leave sth \in one's wake etw zur Folge haben;
    \in stereo gleichzeitig;
    \in all insgesamt;
    there were 10 of us \in all wir waren zu zehnt;
    all \in all alles in allem;
    all \in all it's been a good year insgesamt gesehen war es ein gutes Jahr adv
    1) ( into sth and hither) herein;
    come \in! herein!;
    the sea was freezing, but \in she went das Meer war eiskalt, doch sie kannte nichts und ging hinein
    2) ( there) da;
    ( at home) zu Hause;
    is David \in? ist David da?;
    to have a quiet evening \in einen ruhigen Abend zu Hause verbringen
    to be due \in fällig sein;
    the train is due \in any moment now der Zug müsste jetzt jeden Moment [an]kommen;
    ( towards land) landeinwärts;
    the tide comes \in very quickly here die Flut kommt hier sehr rasch herein;
    we stood on the harbour for a while watching the ship come \in wir standen eine Zeitlang am Hafen und beobachteten das einlaufende Schiff
    4) ( inside) nach innen;
    could you bring the clothes \in? könntest du die Wäsche 'reinholen?;
    I didn't hear you come \in ich habe dich nicht [ins Haus] kommen hören;
    the farmer brought the harvest \in der Bauer brachte die Ernte ein;
    the roof of their house caved \in das Dach ihres Hauses fiel in sich zusammen
    5) ( submitted)
    to get [or hand] sth \in etw abgeben [o einreichen];
    when does your essay have to be \in? wann musst du deinen Essay abgeben?
    the ball was definitely \in! der Ball war keineswegs im Aus!;
    to be \in player am Ball sein
    7) ( take part)
    to go \in for sth an etw dat teilnehmen;
    I never went \in for collecting stamps mit Briefmarken sammeln habe ich mich nie abgegeben
    day \in, day out tagein, tagaus;
    \in between dazwischen;
    to be \in for sth sich akk auf etw akk gefasst machen müssen;
    to be \in for it sich akk auf etw akk gefasst machen können;
    to be \in on sth über etw akk Bescheid wissen;
    to be \in with sb mit jdm zusammen sein;
    to get \in with sb sich akk bei jdm lieb Kind machen ( fam)
    to let sb \in on sth jdm etw verraten adj
    1) ( leading in) einwärts;
    the door \in opens inwards die Tür hinein geht nach innen auf;
    \in basket Behälter m für eingehende Postsendungen
    2) ( in fashion) in;
    to be \in in [o ( fam) hipp] sein;
    to be the \in place to dance/ dine als Tanzlokal/Restaurant in sein ( fam)
    he's \in with the boss at the moment zurzeit ist er beim Chef gut angeschrieben;
    she just says those things to get \in with the teacher die sagt so was doch bloß, um sich beim Lehrer lieb Kind zu machen
    4) pred ( in season) reif;
    pumpkins are \in! Kürbisse jetzt frisch! n
    ( connection) Kontakt[e] m[pl];
    he wants to get involved with that group but doesn't have an \in er würde gern mit dieser Gruppe in Kontakt kommen, aber bis jetzt fehlt ihm die Eintrittskarte
    the \ins and outs of sth jedes kleine Detail einer S. gen;
    to understand the \ins and outs of sth etw hundertprozentig verstehen

    English-German students dictionary > in

  • 20 get

    1. I
    1) I have 10 shillings more to get мне надо достать еще десять шиллингов
    2) she gave him as good as she got она дала ему сдачи
    2. II
    1) get somewhere get here (home, thus far, abroad, etc.) приезжать /добираться, попадать/ сюда и т. д.; he forgot the key and couldn't get in он забыл ключ и не мог попасть в дом; the door was locked and we could not get out дверь была заперта [на ключ], и мы не могли войти; the train is starting, you must get in поезд отправляется, вам надо войти в вагон; I have no ticket, will I be able to get in? у меня нет билета, мне можно пройти /меня пропустят/? get out! вылезай(те)!, выходи(те)!; please, let me get by пожалуйста, пропустите меня /разрешите мне пройти/; get ashore сходить /высаживаться/ на берег; get astray заблудиться; rumours (reports, etc.) get abroad ходят /распространяются/ слухи и т. д.; this piece of news has got abroad эта новость стала широко известна; such sensations get abroad такого рода сенсационные сообщения становятся достоянием широкой публики; he'll soon get there он там скоро будет, он туда скоро попадет; your letter got there yesterday ваше письмо там получили /пришло туда/ вчера; how (lid these flowers get there? как туда попали эти цветы?: he got home quickly он быстро добрался до дому: the bridge was destroyed and we couldn't get across мост был разрушен, и мы не могли попасть на ту сторону; the frontier is so well guarded that. no one can get across граница так надежно /хорошо/ охраняется, что никто не может ее перейти /что ее невозможно нарушить/; get down спуститься вниз: the cat climbed to the top of tile tree and couldn't get down кошка взобралась на вершину дерева и не могла слезть
    2) he tries hard but he never gets anywhere он много работает, но у него ничего не выходит, он прилагает много усилий, но ничего не может добиться; you'll get nowhere if you work so little если вы будете так мало работать, вы ничего не добьетесь: with courage we can get anywhere мужество поможет нам добиться всего; he is getting ahead splendidly у него дела идут прекрасно; at last we seem to be getting somewhere похоже, наконец у нас что-то получается
    3. III
    1) get smth. get an answer (a postcard, a telegram, good new?get information, a birthday present, a pension, wages, etc.) получать ответ и т.д., get confirmation получить подтверждение; he got a surprise его ждал сюрприз; where can I get permission? его можно получить разрешение?; get one's breakfast (one's dinner, etc.) позавтракать и т. д.; I could not get any supper я остался без ужина, я не смог поужинать || get a sight glimpse/ of smb., smth. увидеть кого-л., что-л.
    2) get smth., smb. where did you get the money? где вы достали /раздобыли/ деньги? get a hat (a new coat, same stamps, a new diary, etc.) приобретать /покупать/ шляпу и т. д.'; you had better get a new umbrella вам бы надо купить /вам нужен/ новый зонтик; where can I get this book? где можно достать /купить/ эту книгу? I got the book. needed я нашел /достал/ нужную мне книгу; I'll go and get some milk. get Some biscuits too a схожу за молоком. get Возьми еще и печенья. get the prize (a good crop, credit, much, little, etc.) получать приз и т. д., he has got the support of the directors он получил поддержку /добился поддержки/ директоров; get a profit получать прибыль; he got nothing ему ничего на досталось, get good results (advantage, power, fame, wealth, etc.) добиваться хороших результатов и т.д., I went and got some singing lessons я пошел и взял несколько уроков пения; get friends при обретать друзей; where do you get pupils? откуда вы берете учеников?; get a wife жениться; get knowledge of the subject овладевать каким-л. предметом || get possession of smth. завладеть /овладеть/ чем-л.; get one's own way добиться своего
    3) get smth., smb. get one's hat (one's stick, one's bag, etc.) взять [с собой] шляпу и т. д., wait till I get my coat подожди, я только возьму пальто; go and get the doctor сходи за врачом; hold the line, I'll go and get him не вешайте трубку, я сейчас ere позову /найду/
    4) get smth. the room (the house, etc.) gets no sun в комнату и т. д. совсем не попадает солнце; this room gets all the sun именно в эту комнату попадает солнце; I'll come and see you if I get the time я приеду повидать вас, если у меня будет время; she hoped to get a little sleep она надеялась, что немного поспит /что ей удастся немного поспать/; I'll go and get some sleep пойду сосну
    5) get smb.,smth. I didn't get him a) я не застал его; б) я не дозвонился ему; you got the wrong number вы ошиблись номером /вы не туда попали/
    6) get smb., smth. get the thief (the runaway, the culprit, a squirrel, etc.) поймать вора и т. д.; did he get his train он успел на поезд?; I decided to get the next train я решил сесть на следующий поезд
    7) get smth. get an illness заболеть; get a cold chill/ простудиться; get [the] measles (scarlet fever, typhus, etc.) заболеть корью, подхватить корь и т. д.; have you got a cold? у вас насморк?; get a bad fall (a slight hurt) сильно (слегка) ушибиться; get a blow (a shock, a nasty wound, etc.) получить удар и т. д.
    8) get smth. get ten years (six months, etc.) получить десять лет тюрьмы /тюремного заключения/ и т. д., быть приговоренным к десяти годам [тюремного заключения] и т. д.; you'll get a beating тебя ожидает порка, тебя высекут; you'll get a scolding тебя ожидает /ты получишь/ выговор; you'll get it! тебе влетит
    9) get smth., smb. coll. get the joke (smb.'s meaning, smb.'s idea, etc.) понимать шутку и т. д., I don't get it не понял; it is just between us, get it? это только между нами, попятно?; I didn't get your name я не разобрал /не расслышал/ вашего имени; I don't get you я вас не понимаю
    10) get smth. dividing nine by three we get three если разделить девять на три, получится три
    11) have got smth. I have got a new watch (a new suit, a new hat, a car, etc.) у меня [есть] новые часы и т. д; have you got a newspaper (the tickets, a pencil, an erasing-knife, etc)? у вас есть газета и т.д.? I've got no money у меня нет денег; she's got a lovely voice у нее красивый голос; he'll lose all he's got, if he isn't careful если он не будет более осмотрительным /осторожнее/, он потеряет все, что имеет
    4. IV
    1) get smth. at some time get the answer this morning (some money soon, etc.) получить ответ сегодня утром и т. д.; get money every month получать деньги каждый месяц; I get a letter every day каждый день мне приходит /я получаю/ письмо; in this hotel I get breakfast every morning в этой гостинице каждое утро дают /подают/ завтрак; get your dinner at once сейчас же пообедай; get smth. in some manner you got the answer right ты получил /у тебя получился/ правильный ответ
    2) get smth. in some manner get this horse (this coat, this bicycle, etc.) cheap (ly) дешево купить /приобрести/ лошадь и т. д., купить эту лошадь и т. д. по дешевке; get the book second-hand приобрести подержанную книгу, купить книгу у букиниста; get money easily легко зарабатывать /доставать, получать/ деньги; get this book easily достать эту книгу без затруднений
    3) get smb., smth. somewhere get him home (the old man upstairs, you there, the child up, etc.) отводить /доставлять, приводить/ его домой и т.д., get smb. in а) помочь кому-л. проникнуть куда-л.; б) втащить кого-л. вовнутрь; get smb. out а) помочь кому-л. выбраться откуда-л.; б) вытащить кого-л. откуда-л.; get the horses out вывести лошадей; what got you here? что вас привело сюда?; get this parcel home (the table here, etc.) доставлять посылку домой и т. д., get the chairs (the washing, some coal, etc.) in вносить стулья и т.д., I don't know how you'll ever get the box (the trunk, the piano, etc.) upstairs не знаю, как вы втащите этот ящик и т. д. наверх; get a mast up ставить мачту; get up a sunken vessel поднимать затонувшее судно; get smth. overboard выбрасывать что-л. за борт; get his letter (one's own books, my money, etc.) back получить обратно его письме и т. д., now I've got you back теперь вы вернулись ко мне
    4) get smb. at some time I'll get you yet! я еще вас поймаю!, вы еще мне попадетесь!; he got you that time! на этот раз он вас поймал!
    5) get smb. somewhere it will get him nowhere, it won't get him anywhere это ничего ему не даст, этим он ничего не добьется; all work and no play does not get you anywhere если работать и не отдыхать, толку будет мало
    6) get smb., smth. in some manner coll. I get you (your meaning, your idea, etc.) all right я хорошо понимаю вас и т. д.
    7) have got smth. somewhere what have you got there? что у вас там?
    5. V
    get smb. smth.
    1) get him a ticket (me a dictionary, them those pictures, etc.) доставать /покупать/ ему билет и т. д.; get me a good teacher (him a place. her another job, etc.) найдите мне хорошего преподавателя и т. д.
    2) get smb. a towel (me my hat, him another dictionary, her a chair, me some ink, etc.) принести кому-л. полотенце и т. д.; can you get me another pencil? вы можете принести /дать/ мне другой карандаш?
    3) get smb. smb., smth. get me the director (the hospital, the head teacher, etc.) соедините меня с директором и т. д.
    6. VI
    1) get smth., smb. in some state get dinner (breakfast, books, etc.) ready приготовить обед и т. д., she quickly got the children ready for school она быстро собрала детей в школу; get one's feet (one's clothes, etc.) wet промочить ноги и т. д.; get the windows open открыть окна; get everything right again снова навести везде порядок; get smb. free освободить кого-л., выпустить кого-л. на свободу; get the dog loose спустить собаку с цепи; it gets me down-hearted это приводит меня в уныние
    2) get smth. in some state get the sum right получить правильный ответ [в решении задачи], правильно решить задачу
    7. VII
    1) get smth., smb. to do smth. get something (nothing, etc.) to eat (to read, to play with, etc.) достать что-нибудь поесть и т. д.; get leave to go home получить отпуск для поездки домой; get smb. to clean the windows (to wash the floors, to do the room, etc.) найти кого-л. [, чтобы] вымыть окна и т. д.; I can't get anyone to do the work properly не могу найти человека, который выполнил бы эту работу как следует
    2) get smb., smth. to do smth. get your friend to help you (him to come, her to join us, your brother to introduce me to the chairman, etc.) убедить /заставить/ вашего приятеля /друга/ помочь вам и т. д.; get a fire to burn разжечь огонь или костер; get this door to shut properly починить дверь, чтобы она закрывалась как следует; I can never get him to go to bed я никогда не могу уложить его спать; get him to tell her about it уговорите его рассказать ей об этом; you will not be able to get a tree to grow in this soil вам не удастся вырастить дерево на такой почве
    3) Have got smth. to do I have got very much /lots of work/ to do у меня очень много работы /дел/, мне надо очень много сделать; what have you got to say? что вы можете сказать?
    8. VIII
    get smth., smb. doing smth.get the clock (the work, the typewriter, etc.) going наладить часы и т. д; at last he got the stone rolling наконец ему удалось сдвинуть камень, и тот покатился; she got everybody singing все подхватили ее песню; она заставила всех петь; I'll get her talking а) я заставлю ее заговорить; б) я разговорю ее; that got him guessing это заставило его теряться в догадках
    9. IX
    1) get smth., smb. done I must get the book bound (my passport endorsed, the work done, my shoes repaired, etc.) мне нужно [отдать] переплести книгу и т. д.; we are getting our apartment newly papered мы заново оклеиваем [обоями] квартиру; I shall get my hair cut я постригусь; can you get the work finished in time (by evening)? a) вы можете закончить работу вовремя (к вечеру)?; б) вы можете добиться, чтобы работа была готова вовремя (к вечеру)?; where can I this printed (my piano tuned, my shoes soled, etc.)? где мне / я могу/ это напечатать и т. д.?; I want to get my coat mended я хочу починить /отдать в починку/ пальто; get the laws obeyed (my words believed, etc.) добиться [того], чтобы законы выполнялись /соблюдались/ и т. д.; get oneself appointed (noticed, chosen, etc.) сделать так, чтобы тебя назначили и т. д., they got him elected chairman они провели его в председатели
    2) get smb. in some state get a man drunk напоить человека; get smb. dressed (washed, fed, etc.) одеть и т. д. кого-л.; it gets me discouraged я от этого прихожу в уныние; he got his face scratched (his wrist broken, etc.) он расцарапал лицо и т. д.
    10. X
    get into some state get married (dressed, shaved, brushed clean, confused, hurt, etc.) жениться и т.д., get drunk напиваться; get tired уставать; get frozen замерзать; he got drowned он утонул; you must get done /finished/ with it с этим нужно покончить /кончать/; get used /accustomed/ to the climate here (to the customs and manners over here, to sitting up late, to the rolling of a ship, etc.) привыкать к здешнему климату и т. д., he got fired /dismissed/ (severely wounded, killed, etc.) его уволили /выгнали/ и т. д.; he got paid for this ему за это заплатили; he got mixed up with dishonest men он связался с дурной компанией; they got left behind они отстали; that vase will get broken эта ваза разобьется; everything gets known все становится известным || get rid of smb., smth. отделываться /избавляться/ от кого-л., чего-л.; get rid of a troublesome visitor (of a lazy servant, of the old car, of an engagement, etc.) избавиться /отделаться/ от назойливого посетителя и т. д.
    11. XI
    1) be got the thing is not to be got fay вещь нельзя достать
    2) be got at the soul of a people can be got at fully only through, the knowledge of its language душу народа можно познать только через его язык
    3) be got at coll. the witness (the press, the voters, etc.) have been got at свидетели и т. д. были подкуплены
    12. ХIII
    1) get to do smth. soon she got to like her job скоро ей начала нравиться /понравилась/ ее работа, она вскоре полюбила свой работу;how did you get to know it? как вы об этом узнали?, как вам удалось это узнать?; they got to be friends они стали друзьями; you'll like him when /once/ you get to know him когда вы его узнаете, вы его полюбите
    2) have got to do smth. we've got to go (to write a letter, to listen to what he says, to leave early to catch my train, to pass this examination, etc.) нам необходимо /мы должны/ идти и т.д., it has got to be done это должно быть сделано /надо сделать/; she's got to work hard for her living ей приходится много работать, чтобы заработать на жизнь
    3) id have got to do with smth. what's that got to do with us? какое это имеет отношение к нам?
    13. XIV
    get doing smth.,get moving (rolling, singing, etc.) начать двигаться и т. д.; when these women get talking they go on for hours когда эти женщины начнут разговаривать /болтать/, их не остановишь; we got talking of the future мы стали говорить /заговорили/ о будущем; they wanted to get going on the construction of the house они хотели приступить к строительству дома; if we don't get doing we'll never arrive in time если мы не тронемся в путь, мы ни за что не приедем вовремя; things haven't really got going yet дела еще фактически не сдвинулись с места /с мертвой точки/; let's get going! пошли!, пойдём!, поёхали!
    13. XV
    get into some state get warmer (worse and worse, uglier every day, etc.) становиться теплее и т. д.; get grey (old, silly, poor, red in the face, etc.) поседеть и т. д.; get well поправляться, выздоравливать; he is getting better ему уже лучше; get asleep засыпать; I am getting thirsty (sleepy, hungry. etc.) мне захотелось пить и т. д., the children will get wet (hungry, etc.) дети вымокнут /промокнут/ и т. д.; he got rich он разбогател; he got mad at the message записка его разозлила; он разозлился на записку; they got closer to each other они сблизились, они стали ближе друг другу; it got rainy пошли дожди; it got foggy опустился туман; the sky got cloudy небо заволокло тучами; it is getting dark (cold, warm, etc.) темнеет и т. д. it is getting late уже поздно; the fire is getting low костер гаснет /угасает/; things are getting better дела идут все лучше
    14. XVI
    1) get into (out of, through, over, up, across, at, etc.) smth. get into the room (into town, into a bar, etc.) попадать /входить/ в комнату и т. д.; the burglar got into the kitchen through the window грабитель проник /влез/ в кухню через окно; get into a car сесть /влезть/ в автомобиль /в машину/; get into the saddle сесть /взобраться/ в седло; something has got into my eye мне что-то попало в глаз this story got into the newspapers эта история попала в газеты; where has that book got to? куда запропастилась /делась/ эта книга?; get to the station (to London, to the office, etc.) добраться до вокзала и т. д.; where did you get to yesterday? куда вы делись /где вы были/ вчера?; get out, of a train (out of a bus, out of a carriage, etc.) выходить из поезда и т. д., get out of bed! вставайте!; get out of here (out of this house)! прочь отсюда (из этого дома)!; get out of the way of a car посторониться и пропустить машину; get out of smb.'s way уйти с чьей-л. дороги; get through the hole in the wall (through the eye of a needle, through a gap, through a crack, etc.) пролезать через дыру в стене и т. д.; get over a fence (over a wall, over a stile, etc.) перелезать через забор и т. д.; get over /across/ a river переправляться через реку; get across tile street (across /over/ the bridge, across the frontier, etc.) перейти на другую сторону улицы и т. д.; he got above the clouds он поднялся над облаками; get under the hedge (under the wire netting, under the rope, etc.) пролезать под изгородью и т. д.; get under some old boxes (under some bushes, etc.) залезать /закатиться/ под старые ящики и т. д.; under the wheels (under а motor-саг, etc.) попасть под колеса и т. д.; the cat got under the bed (under the fence, etc.) кошка шмыгнула под кровать и т. д.; get at the top shelf (at the ripest fruit, at one's luggage, etc.) дотянуться /достать/ до верхней полки и т. д.; keep medicines where children can't get at them убирайте лекарства так, чтобы дети не смогли их достать; the dog could not get at me собака не могла меня достать; let me get at him coll. дайте мне только до него добраться; get down a tree (down a fence, etc.) слезать с дерева и т. д., get up a ladder (up a hill, up a tree, etc.) взбираться на лестницу и т. д.; get by the guard (by the policeman, etc.) проскользнуть мимо часового и т. д.; get before the crowd (before the procession, before the column of marchers, etc.) обогнать толпу и т. д.; get behind a tree (behind a door, behind a fence, etc.) встать /спрятаться/ за дерево и т. д.; the реп got behind the bookcase ручка закаталась /попала/ за книжный шкаф; get between the sheets залезть под одеяло; he got between the boys and prevented a fight он встал между мальчишками и не дал им сцепиться; get aboard a ship подняться на борт корабля
    2) get to (abreast of, beyond, as far аs, etc.) smth. get to the end of the chapter (to the main subject, to the theme of my story, to the heart of the matter, etc.) дойти /добраться/ до конца главы и т. д.: how far did you get to? до какого места ты дочитал?; get to the head of one's class выйти на первое место в классе; стать первым учеником в классе; get to the city police (to the authorities, etc.) связаться с городской полицией и т. д.; get to some time (to some age) достигать какого-л. времени (возраста); when it gets to 10 o'clock I begin to feel tired к десяти часам я начинаю чувствовать усталость: when you get to 70... когда вам [будет] семьдесят...; get between two fighting parties оказаться /очутиться/ между двумя враждующими /борющимися/ группами; his anger has got beyond control он вышел из себя, он уже не мог сдержать гнев; he doesn't let much get by him он почти ничего не пропускает; практически ничто мимо него не проходит; you cannot easily get at him с ним не так просто связаться /увидеться/; get abreast of modem technology достичь современного уровня техники; we got as far as the lake мы дошли или доехали до озера || get in touch with smb. связаться / установить контакт/ с кем-л.
    3) get within smth. get within smb.'s reach (within the range of their fire, etc.) оказаться в пределах чьей-л. досягаемости и т. д.; get within earshot оказаться в пределах слышимости; get within their sight оказаться в поле их зрения; get out of smth. get out of smb.'s sight скрыться с чьих-л. глаз; get out of smb.'s reach оказаться для них вне пределов досягаемости; get among smb. get among friends (among enemies, among strangers, etc.) оказаться среди друзей и т. д. || get into the hands of the police попасть в руки полиции
    4) get into smth. get into a coat (into one's clothes, into one's boots, etc.) надевать пальто и т. д., get into one's trousers натянуть брюки; I can't get into these shoes, they are three sizes too small я не могу надеть эти ботинки, мне надо на три номера больше
    5) get into smth. get into business (into trade, into the movies, into politics, etc.) заняться коммерцией и т. д.; get into fights with the neighbour's children драться /вступать в драку/ с соседскими мальчишками; get into Parliament (into a party, into a club, etc.) стать членом парламента и т. д.; get into office получить /занять/ должность; Kennedy got into office in 1961 Кеннеди стал президентом в тысяча девятьсот шестьдесят первом году; get into conversation (into a dispute with smb., into correspondence, into communication, etc.) завязать разговор и т.д.; they got into quite an argument about it между ними разгорелся довольно жаркий спор
    6) get in (to) smth. get into trouble (into a difficulty, into mischief, etc.) попасть в беду и т. д.; get into debt залезть в долги; get in a row (into a horrible scrape, etc.) оказаться замешанным /ввязаться/ в скандал и т. д.; get into a bad habit приобрести плохую /дурную/ привычку; get into the habit /into the way/ of getting up early (of doing things one's own way, of answering back, etc.) привыкнуть рано вставать и т. д., get into a rage впасть в ярость; get into a panic поддаться панике; get into general use получить широкое распространение; get out of smth. get out of practice потерять навык, [давно] не иметь практики; get out of repair требовать ремонта; get out of order выйти из строя, испортиться, сломаться; get out of shape потерять форму
    7) get over (out of, through,get etc.) smth. get over a difficulty ( over an obstacle, over an impediment, etc.) преодолеть затруднение и т. д.; she couldn't get over her shyness (over her embarrassment, over her confusion, over her dislike of him, over the disinclination to work, etc.) она не могла побороть / преодолеть/ свой застенчивость и т. д.; he couldn't get over his stutter он не мог избавиться от заикания; I can't get over his abominable manners никак не могу примириться с его ужасными манерами /привыкнуть к его ужасным манерам/; get over a disappointment (over an alarm, over a surprise, etc.) прийти в себя после разочарования и т. д.; I couldn't get over his behaviour он себя так плохо вел, что я никак не мог успокоиться; I couldn't get over the fear of him я никак не мог избавиться от чувства /преодолеть чувство/ страха перед ним; get over an illness (over an ailment, over that severe cold, over an injury, etc.) оправиться от /после/ болезна и т.д., get over /out of/ a bad habit отделаться / отучиться/ от дурной привычки; get out of a difficulty выйти из затруднительного положения; there is по getting out of it, you cannot get out of it от этого не открутишься; don't try to get out of your duties не пытайтесь уклоняться от своих обязанностей; get through another bad winter (through a dangerous illness, etc.) пережить еще одну тяжелую зиму и т. д.; I don't know how I'll get through this month я не знаю, как я дотяну до конца месяца; I don't know how I got through the day не знаю, как я прожил /выдержал/ этот день; get through an exam выдержать экзамен; get through written papers написать контрольную работу; get through a driving test сдать экзамен на водительские права; how he got through college is a mystery совершенно непонятно, как он смог окончить колледж; get (a)round smth. get around the law (around the regulations, around that clause, around a difficulty, etc.) обходить закон и т. д.; there is no getting (aground this fact a) нельзя не (посчитаться с этим фактом; б) нельзя пройти мимо этого факта; get (a)round smb. coll. she can get (aground anyone она может убедить /обвести вокруг пальца/ кого хочешь /кого угодно/; she knows how to get round him она знает, как к нему подъехать
    8) get through /over/ smth. get through a lot of reading (through a lot of work, etc.) много прочитать и т.д., get through her washing (through one's homework, through this book, etc.) закончить стирку и т. д.; how could he get through all these files? как он успел просмотреть все эти папки?; get through one's task with great speed быстро выполнить свой задачу; get through a lot of correspondence ( through these books, etc.) разделаться с большим количеством писем и т. д.; get through such a lot of food (through all this meat, through a bottle of gin a week, etc.) съесть /осилить/ много всякой всячины и т. д.; get through one's fortune (through a lot of money, through L 1000 in less than a week, etc.) растратить /растранжирить, промотать/ свое состояние и т. д.
    9) get at smth., smb. get at the truth (at the facts, at the root of the trouble, at the cause of the disturbance, at the heart of things, etc.) докапываться до правды и т. д.; get at the meaning of the sentence добраться до сути этого предложения; get at the secret of his success выяснить /понять/, в чем секрет его успеха; that's what I want to get at вот в чем мне хочется разобраться, вот что мне хочется постичь; what are you getting at? coll. a) чего вы хотите?, к чему вы клоните?; б) что вы имеете в виду?; we could not tell what the speaker was getting at мы не знали /не понимали/, что имел в виду /хотел сказать/ оратор; who are you getting at? кого вы имеете в виду?, на кого вы намекаете?; were you getting at me in that last remark you made? в своем последнем замечании вы намекали на меня? /вы имели в виду меня/?; he is always getting at me coll. он вечно ко мне цепляется /придирается/
    10) get at smb. get at a witness (at a judge, at the press, etc.) подкупать свидетеля и т. д.
    15. XVII
    1) get (in)to doing smth. coll. get into sleeping in the afternoon (to fighting, etc.) взять себе за привычку спать днем и т. д.; I got to thinking that... я стал думать, что...
    2) get out of doing smth. get out of attending smth. (out of going there, out of answering, etc.) отвертеться и не пойти на какое-л. мероприятие и т. д.; get as far as doing smth. we did not get as far as discussing finances мы не дошли до обсуждения финансовых вопросов
    16. XXI1
    1) get smth. from (at, out of, etc.) smth., smb. get machinery from Europe (many commodities from abroad, etc.) получать оборудование из Европы и т. д., закупать /покупать, приобретать/ оборудование в Европе и т.д., get our things at this shop покупать /приобретать/ вещи в этом магазине; get information from the library (money from the bank, help from him, etc.) получать, сведения из библиотеки и т. д., get dinner (lunch, etc.) at the hotel (at the restaurant, at the inn, etc.) (пообедать и т. д. в гостинице и т. д.; I got this information (the news, facts. etc.) from a friend of mine (from my secretary, etc.) мне это и т. д. сообщил один приятель и т. д., я получил эти сведения и т. д. от одного приятеля и т. д.; get butter from cream получать масло из сливок; get a confession out of the prisoner ( a secret out of the woman, the truth out of the man, etc.) вытянуть / вырвать/ у заключенного признание и т. д.; get smth. for smth. get data for analysis (information for the article, new curtains for the guest-room, etc.) доставать /добывать/ данные для анализа и т. д., get material for research собирать материал для исследования: can I still get a ticket for tonight's play? можно еще достать /купить, получить/ билет на сегодняшний спектакль?; get smth. for smb. get tickets (another dictionary, this book, etc.) for him купить или заказать ему билеты и т. д.; get smth. by smth. get good results by hard work усердием /большим трудом/ добиться хороших результатов; get very little by deceit немногого добиться обманом || get hold of the manager (of the secretary, of the owner, etc.) разыскать /найти/ администратора и т. д., where did you get hold of this curious old picture? где вы раздобыли эту любопытную старую картину?; he got the start of his rivals он получил преимущество перед своими соперниками
    2) get smth. from smb. get presents from his brother (a letter from one's parents, a message from him, etc.) получать подарки от брата и т. д.; get no help (no money, no advice, etc.) from him не получать от него помощи и т. д.; you will never get anything from him от него ничего не дождешься; get his timidity from his mother унаследовать робость от матери; get smth. for smth. get a good salary for the job (a reward for his part in the affair, a medal for bravery. etc.) получать хорошую зарплату за эту работу и т. д.; what did you get for this article? сколько вам заплатили за эту статью?; get a good price for the land получить хорошую цену за землю; I will see what I can get for it посмотри, сколько я могу за это получить /выручить, взять/; get a new watch (a ring, a new hat, etc.) for one's birthday получить новые часы и т. д. [в подарок] на день рождения; get smth. out of smth. what did you get out of his lecture? что вы вынесли из его лекции?, что вам дала его лекция?; all he got out of it was disgrace это принесло ему только позор; get smth. of smb., smth. what impression did you get of him (of this play, etc.)? .какое он и т. д. на вас произвел впечатление?
    3) get smth., smb. across (from, to, etc.) smth. get smth. across the river (across the sea, across the frontier, etc.) переправить что-л. через реку и т. д.; get smb. across the street (across the bridge, across the field, etc) перевести кого-л. через улицу и т. д.; get one's hat from the other room (the books from the study, the tea-things from the kitchen, etc.) принести шляпу из другой комнаты и т. д., get down a book from the top shelf (the boy from the fence, my hat from the book, etc.) снимать книгу с верхней полки и т. д.; get a letter to London (to Paris, etc.) доставить письмо в Лондон и т. д., get the child to bed уложить ребенка в постель; get the trunk back to the garret отнести сундук обратно на чердак; get the parcel back to London снова доставить пакет в Лондон; get your TV back for this evening (for the party, etc.) принесите снова ваш телевизор на этот вечер и т. д.; the car did not get him very far on the road home он проехал на машине лишь небольшую часть дороги домой; that did not get him very far on the road to fame это весьма незначительно способствовало его продвижению по пути славы; get smth., smb. to smb., smth. how can I get these things to you? как мне переправить вам эти вещи?; get the slaves to the north переправить рабов на север
    4) get smth., smb. into (through, from, out of, etc.) smth. I can't get the key into the lock я не могу вставить ключ в замок; help me get the pig into the cart помогите мне втащить поросенка в телегу: how can I get all these books into the bag? как мне запихнуть /засунуть, впихнуть/ все эти книги в портфель?; get the piano through the door протащить пианино в дверь; get the milk from the refrigerator for me достаньте мне молока из холодильника; get smth. out of the house выносить что-л. из дома; get a cork out of a bottle вытаскивать пробку из бутылки; get stains out of a coat выводить пятна с пиджака: get these things out of the way уберите эти вещи с дороги [, чтобы они не мешали]; get the man out of the house (the dog out of the room, etc.) выводить человека из дома и т. д.: get her out of the country помочь ей уехать или вывезти ее из страны /за границу/ || get smth. into one's head вбить себе что-л. в голову: he got it into his head that everybody was persecuting him он вбил себе в голову, что его все преследуют; get smth. out of one's head выбросить что-л. из головы; get the idea (the thing, it, the notion, etc.) out of one's head выбросить эту мысль и т. д. из головы, перестать об этом думать
    5) get smb., smth. into (through) smth. get him into Parliament (into their headquarters, etc.) провести /протащить/ его в парламент и т. д.; get smb. into the firm пристроить кого-л. в эту фирму; get a bill through Parliament (this measure through the house, etc.) провести /протащить/ законопроект в парламенте и т. д., he helped me to get my luggage through the customs он помог мне пройти таможенный досмотр; get a pupil through his examination вытащить ученика на экзамене; it was his mathematics that got him through entrance examinations он выдержал приемные экзамены благодаря тому, что хорошо знал математику; get an article into a paper поместить статьи в газете; get the report into print сдать доклад в печать
    6) get smb. by smth. get smb. by the hand (by the hair, by the throat, by the wrist. etc.) схватить кого-л. за руку и т. д.: get smth., smb. on (by) smth. I get all program (me)s on my TV-set мой телевизор принимает все программы; how many stations can you get on your radio set? сколько станций берет /принимает/ ваш приемник?; I can't get him on the phone я не могу связаться с ним по телефону; get smb. by phone (by radio, etc.) связаться с кем-л. по телефону и т. д.
    7) get smb. in (on, through, etc.) smth. the bullet got him in the leg (through the stomach, in the shoulder, etc.) пуля попала ему в ногу и т. д.; the blow got him on the head (in the mouth, on the back, etc.) удар пришелся ему по голове и т. д., get smth. in smth. get a splinter in one's finger занозить палец; get a bullet in the leg получить пулевое ранение в ногу
    8) get smb. into smth. get smb. into debt (into difficulties, into a fight, etc.) вовлекать кого-л. в долги и т. д., she got me into trouble у меня из-за нее /она втравила меня в/ неприятности; get smb. out of smth. get smb. out of a fix /out of difficulty/ вызволить кого-л. из затруднения; get the children out of this habit отучать детей от этой привычки || get smth., smb. off one's hands избавиться от чего-л., кого-л., сбыть что-л., кого-л. с рук; she wished she could get the old house (the useless books, her unmarried daughter, etc.) off her hands ей хотелись избавиться /освободиться/ от старого дома и т. д. /сбыть старый дом и т. д. с рук/
    9) get smth. of smth. get 5 years of hard labour получить пять лет каторжных работ; get smth. for smth. he got a stiff sentence for his crimes за совершенные преступления ему был вынесен суровый приговор
    10) have got smth., smb. in (at, on, etc.) smth. I have /I've/ got money in the bank (a flat in this house, a friend at the studio, etc.) у меня в банке [лежат] деньги и т. д. || he's got smth., smb. on the brain он все время о чем-л., о ком-л. думает
    17. XXII
    get smth. by doing smth. that's what you get by talking too much вот что ты получаешь /вот как ты расплачиваешься/ за болтливость; get a good price by bargaining поторговаться и получить хорошую цену; get smth. for doing smth. you'll get a beating for doing this тебе за это всыпят; you'll get it for breaking that vase! тебе крепко достанется за то, что ты разбил вазу!
    18. XXIV1
    get smth., smb. as smth. get L 10 as reward (a book as a consolation prize, the newcomer as assistant, etc.) получить десять фунтов в качестве вознаграждения и т. д.; I got this book as a present я получил эту книгу в подарок; we get L 20 as the average мы получаем в среднем двадцать фунтов
    19. XXVI
    get smb., smth. before... (when..., etc.) get him before he escapes схватить его до того, как он скроется; get the book when the price is reduced купить книгу, когда ее уценят

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > get

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Grey — adj., n., & v. (US gray) adj. 1 of a colour intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or lead. 2 a (of the weather etc.) dull, dismal; heavily overcast. b bleak, depressing; (of a person) depressed. 3 a (of hair) turning white with age… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • field grey — field gray or field grey noun 1. A grey (Feldgrau) adopted for uniforms in the German Army in World War I 2. A German soldier dressed thus • • • Main Entry: ↑field …   Useful english dictionary

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